From Postbox to eM Client worth it?

Irony? Certainly not, perhaps I misspoke given my limited English skills. Not everyone needs IMAP’s synchronization capabilities. And, like POP, IMAP has its set of disadvantages, such as the need for a reliable Internet connection, the obligation to trust the server provider for certain safety aspects, greater resource consumption and possibly a performance problem. For my part, I use POP because I manage my e-mail accounts on a unique device (desktop PC) and keep my data as secure as possible.

I took the liberty of replying to your email because I regret the general tendency to always suggest using IMAP instead of POP when the choice should be well thought out.

Also worth noting: Read Gmail messages on other email clients using POP - Gmail Help


That’s not true, for IMAP you need a direct internet connection, but in almost every mail programme you can set that mails are also saved offline, i.e. downloaded. So you don’t have the disadvantages of POP3, but you still have everything offline.

Of course you should look for a good mail provider with a high level of data protection, gmail is certainly not one of them :wink: Without active payment, you ALWAYS pay with your data…


Of course you should look for a good mail provider with a high level of data protection, gmail is certainly not one of them.

I am my personal and business friends have been using Gmail with IMAP home & business accounts since they started and “never had any security issues at all”. They have 2 step verification in their account setups and also now have Passkeys as well to access Google accounts. They also use secure cloud billing. So I personally would highly recommend them to any eM Client user.

eM Client also sets up the desktop and mobile apps so it is 100% secure with Gmail accounts using OAuth 2 tokens. So not sure why you say it doesn’t have a high level of protection.

I don’t mean security in general, but the data protection of your personal data, e.g. according to the GDPR :wink:

I never go by things like that, and they are in my opinion just as secure with data as any other major Mail Server on the planet. What mail server do you think has good data protection ?

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i use since years and then there is the competitor Posteo

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I know this, but in the context of my needs, it doesn’t make up for IMAP’s other disadvantages. And, BTW, I’ve never used Gmail, I encourage all my friends to abandon Google and the like and, already more than ten years ago, I set up email hosting for my friends and myself.

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I don’t understand this point. Deleting a message from my mailbox view does exactly what you want - moves me to the next message on the list. And opening the message full-screen and deleting it brings up the next message full-screen. Again, exactly what you describe. Maybe you are deleting the messages from some view I don’t use?

In eM Client, when deleting a message, focus moves to the next oldest message. If you have 3 messages in your inbox, and your inbox is sorted newest to oldest…

  • 2025-01-09 10:49
  • 2025-01-09 10:45
  • 2025-01-09 09:30

…and you open the message from 10:45…
…when you delete the 10:45 message, eM Client moves focus to the 09:30 message — the previous message.

Some users want focus to move to the 10:49 message — the next newer message.

This is especially important if you have older messages in your inbox, but you’re trying to work through the newest. If you’re just looking at messages from today, the way eM Client currently works, there’s no way to start with the oldest message from today and automatically work your way forward. After deleting today’s oldest message, you end up looking at yesterday’s newest message.

But the next eM Client release will include this option.

Thank God directional delete is coming. For me, it’s the biggest shortcoming of this great mail client. Oh, and the absence of a “woosh” sound when you send mail. They got to work on that, too.

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Unfortunately (as is so often the case) big promises were made and not kept. Originally it was said that the first major update with the most important Postbox functions would be released by the end of last year.

It’s now almost the end of January and there hasn’t even been a small update. I have therefore claimed my 30-day money-back guarantee today for the licence I have already purchased.

I’ll keep an eye on it for a few more weeks and see what really happens.

Oh man, I went through the list of feature requests, answered the survey for Postbox, and I realized that there’s one feature I didn’t request (or it exists and I just haven’t figured how to configure it). It’s both an Outlook and Postbox feature.
Please tell me it exists or that you’re working on it.

Based on these forum threads, it doesn’t look good for me, as it’s been asked in the eM client forums for a decade.

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