From Postbox to eM Client worth it?

Hey lovely folks,

As many others who’ve had the email about eM Client taking over Postbox. I’m also window shopping.

My use case:
Freelancer here with a couple of email accounts (including own domain emails). I don’t do anything fancy with emails. Just want to organise my life and make things a little easier. Just send / receive mails and occasionally I have to search my inboxes for things like license keys, invoices etc. I also want to use it on my iPhone, my other mac computers and I have PC Windows 10 still.

So do the people who switched from Postbox to eM Client think it’s worth it or not? Is it any good? 50% discount helps, but there’s so little reviews on the internet about this email client, it’s kind of bizarre. And all of the reviews is mixed. Especially when you read the YouTube comments.

I see a lot of mixed issues on this thread as well.

P.s. I would’ve love to use something like SpamSieve or MailWasher. Because I receive a lot of spam and it annoys the hell out of me. Never used it them before, I was today years old when I found out something like that exists. So would love to use something like it.

What’s the verdict guys.
Recommend or not? :slight_smile:



I’m not a Postbox user, but can recommend eM Client on PC and Mac as use both everyday and used it for many years. I also use eM Client for mobile iOS & Droid as well & they work great too.

You can configure it to suit your needs.

eM Client works with POP, IMAP, Exchange, Office 365 and iCloud accounts.

If you have POP accounts there is options to disable POP checking on Startup so you can then use external spam filtering such as SpamSieve or MailWasher. Alot of users on eM Client use those.

You also normally get a 30day trial of eM Client with the full features, where if you then do decide to purchase eM Client after that time, there is currently exclusive offers for Postbox customers as per the eM Client Acquisition FAQ page link

If you have any problems after installing then just post a thread and someone will help you.

Lastly V10 of eM Client has been released recently this year where you can read about some of the features in the following blog page. Also see the features page for eM Client information.


Hi, do you think 7363 reviews on Trust Pilot (eM Client Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of
are few?


Thank you! I appreciate your time & explanation.
A solid reply.


Also thank you for the reply. Love the sarcasm.
Clearly I’m not familiar on Trust Pilot. I apologise for not knowing this basic platform.
My statement was more focussed on YouTube and with bizar I meant I thought there would be more about it on it, since there are so many tech / mail client reviews etc on there. But there’s not many I could find.

I have been using eM Client for a few years. I recently upgraded from v9 to the latest, version 10 and the transition was smooth. It’s useful, solid, has many features, and I rely on it daily for my email and calendar. When my computer crashes, eM Client fixes the database that was left open upon restart–I’ve never had a problem but if there were, the daily backups are there.

I like how it handles multiple email accounts gracefully; I can move folders from one account to another and with IMAP in place, the emails are quickly and transparently moved to the other email account on the back end.

I also like the calendar synchronization with Google. One of my email addresses is a Gmail address (the others are hosted elsewhere) and I use that Gmail account for calendaring. I can create an event either on Google Calendar or in eM Client and it will soon show up on the other.

Support requests are prompt and helpful, both here on the forums and via email.


I am currently a Postbox user, and the closure of Postbox came as a shock to me. I have considered switching to eM Client despite the mixed reviews I have encountered. Some users have reported sluggishness, although I am unsure which version they were referring to, and I hope any issues have been addressed in the latest update.

With over one hundred thousand emails in my mailbox, which are essential for various purposes, choosing the right email client is crucial for me. After reading through a thread on Mozilla’s support site (Importing Email data from EM Client | Thunderbird Support Forum | Mozilla Support), I am hesitant to make a move. Flexibility in switching clients is important to me because I want to avoid feeling stuck with eM Client if I end up disliking it or encounter issues managing my large email volume.

Manually transferring such a vast number of emails is not a feasible option, so I may need to consider alternatives or transition to Thunderbird. If any eM Client users have insights to share, I would greatly appreciate it.

Likewise, the Postbox announcement came as an unwelcome surprise.

We were eM Client users before, but then had to switch to Postbox. Much better email client, especially for power users.

eM Client is fine for the average user with one or two accounts, but for power users with 100+ accounts, absoluteluy not.

One can only hope the eM Client have acquired Postbox, with the view to incorporate the better features into eM Client.

If the intention was to acquire the Postbox userbase, and them kill it, then I’m afraid that won’t work.

After re-looking at eM Client for the past few days, we have come to the conclusion, that without some indication from eM Client as to what the Postbox intention is, we’ll be moving on.

Hope this feedback helps.


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I’ve spent the last couple of days switching and I have found it quite frustrating. Many of the repetitive things I could do with a couple of keystrokes on Postbox need more keystrokes and a mouse. Also, the auto import is not without its snags. e.g. one of my imap accounts was only importable as MS Exchange. So I had to set it up manually, and that wasn’t as easy as it should have been. It also meant that it broke a lot of my filters/rules and many were created several times as I tried unsuccesfully to get them over. On the positive side, responses to email support queries and on the forum have been good and I like that. Although this response is delayed because I had ‘posted my allocation of replies’

OK, I’ve jumped in with a lifetime licence for em client. I’ve used Postbox for many years on Windows following the demise of Eudora email. With the Postbox to em client discount, I estimate payback after the 4th year using em client. Up until the 4th year I would be better off on the annual subscription plan.

As software goes, this is a pretty expensive lifetime licence. OK, em client, I’m trusting you to delver the best email client ever…

What about Outlook? I have a Microsoft 365 subscription already, which includes the Outlook mail client (web, mobile, desktop). emClient looks very similar to Outlook and tries to do the same things, I’m thinking maybe just to stay with Outlook - it supports “profiles” to split for example Work and Personal accounts, on in my case I have Work, Personal, Volunteer, and various Client accounts as well.


eM Client is fine for the average user with one or two accounts, but for power users with 100+ accounts, absoluteluy not.

Why is eM Client not good for 100+ accounts?

Is it just because eM Client doesn’t have Group Mail accounts as in your other thread, or is there other reasons too ?.

After re-looking at eM Client for the past few days, we have come to the conclusion, that without some indication from eM Client as to what the Postbox intention is, we’ll be moving on.

See the eM Client blog on " What’s happening with Postbox?".

I should also point out that the recent (since October 4th) email/calendar sync issue is another thing that needs to be solved quickly.

Some people have already asked me if they should pay for EmClient, and normally I would have told them “absolutely yes; there is nothing out there to match EmClient”, but currently I don’t want them to pay and get stuck with a faulty client and be frustrated.


I should also point out that the recent (since October 4th) email/calendar sync issue is another thing that needs to be solved quickly

Have you contacted eM Client VIP Pro support directly to troubleshoot that issue ?

If you haven’t and have a current active Pro or Personal account, login to the following VIP support page and lodge a support ticket and an assigned engineer will assist you.

Oh, I wish I knew about this earlier. Could you help me figure out if I qualify for VIP support? I purchased EmClient for 1Pc with life-time upgrades back in 2014. I was under the impression that the free extended VIP support (which was available until about a year or so ago) is no longer available for free and requires VIP support purchase.

Please advise.


I was under the impression that the free extended VIP support (which was available until about a year or so ago) is no longer available for free and requires VIP support purchase.

I’ve never heard of any free extended VIP support.

Normally if you have run out of your initial 12months VIP support with any license, then you can extend that “at a reduced price” for another 12 months via the following link.


Here is what I mean by the “free extended VIP support”. This is a quote from an EmClient email that I received dated May 14, 2021:

"Dear user,
Your VIP Support has expired on 10/15/2015.

When you purchase a license, you receive access to the VIP Support for the following year by default. We did not strictly enforce this rule in the past, since we did not provide an easy way to extend this support access, and provided help to all PRO license users.

Starting today, however, you need to extend your VIP Support in order to access our VIP Support system."

So there was a “free extended VIP support” even though it was not officially called that name. Since EmClient did not 'enforce this rule in the past", it practically was a free extended VIP support. I’m highly surprised that people are surprised by hearing this every time I mention it. I personally used this free extended VIP support several times after the expiration, and I can provide screenshots as well.

But anyways, back to the main topic, now you’re telling me that after about a of month of suffering and frustration, now I should pay to report this problem and maybe get a solution? And Maybe not?

Should not EmClient people have already asked me for logs of errors, etc. after I reported this on my other thread?

Outlook sync error (red triangle) - Mail - eM Client

This is a serious issue reported by several people as well.

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I just read the announcement from eM Client regarding their acquisition of Postbox and it is evident that their primary goal was to acquire Postbox’s user base, which unfortunately leads to the discontinuation of the Postbox app. It is truly disheartening to see our beloved Postbox, a standout email client, being phased out.

While I expect some Postbox users will transition to eM Client, I doubt that even a quarter of them will remain after a year or two basis what I am reading on these forums. This ultimately represents a loss for both Postbox and eM Client. I wish Postbox could have continued its journey without leaving its users in such a difficult position.

I have reservations about how data is stored in eM Client, and I find it concerning how difficult it may be to switch to another email client. It feels like a trap that limits my ability to take ownership of my data. As a result, I have decided to start exploring alternative email clients. I will not be making a switch immediately, but I plan to begin this process in the next month or two.

Nope, hate the interface. Postbox was so neat and clean. RIP



I have reservations about how data is stored in eM Client, and I find it concerning how difficult it may be to switch to another email client.

eM Client messages are stored in an SQL database and can be easily exported and imported into any other mail client to standard .eml files if you need to do that at a later date , either via “Menu / File / Export” or via eg: Dragging messages them to a folder outside of eM Client.

There is also standard export options for the Contacts and Calendars etc if needed as well.