Unable to remove incorrect email addresses

I am unable to remove incorrect or double up email addresses from suggested recipients.

There is no little red cross on the email addresses to remove them.

I have Disabled Google Contacts from Menu → Accounts.

Clicking the Contacts page, there is only a single folder ‘Contacts’ there are no double ups or incorrect email addresses.

I have cleared ‘Recipients History’ and disabled ‘Store composed mail recipients for Suggestion’ from Menu → Mail → Compose. Clicking on ‘Recipients History’ shows no recipients.

Ive deleted every file that I can see where the name contains the word ‘contact’ from ‘C:\Users[user]\AppData\Roaming\eM Client’

This is on current version Pro 9.2.1222. I have another computer using the same email account but with version Pro 8.21659 and it does not have this issue.

Is there something else that I am missing? Its quite annoying as it defaults to the incorrect email addresses.

The latest eM Client V9.2.1222 suggests contacts automatically (from your Sent folder) which cannot be disabled at the moment.

There will be an update in the next version to disable suggestions from the sent folder.

See thread on this specific issue.

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Thanks looking though your link there is no ETA on a fix, so do you know if a Version 9 License can be applied to Version 8?

Hello kv1 and cyberzork,

Dated: 02 January 2025

I had this happen after I made an error in an email address and it was returned [email protected]. The erroneous address appeared in Contact Suggestions and all attempts to delete it with Internet advice focused on eMClient (delete with “x” and others) failed.

I solved the problem.

eMClient looks-up suggestions, so the incorrect offering is lodged elsewhere. Question: Where?

My ISP is Plusnet and it does Web-mail. If you visit your broadband service provider and log in for Web mail you will find the addresses. There is an edit button. Edit the changes and close. When you return to eMClient - New mail - “To” and start, the suggestions along with old and faulty erroneous address will appear; you may think the change was not successful - but wait - delete with the blue “X” to the far right and it will finally be gone. It can’t come back because it isn’t on the ISP Server list anymore.

I found this a difficult problem and there are yards of user comments proving that much. Someone mentioned “I found a workaround” and I was curious enough to seek out one. eMClient is a lovely software. Thank you to the contributor who inspired me.

Job done.

Good luck kv1 and cyberzork from SimonFastEddy

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Im having the same problem and it is a serious security concern because when i send an email to myself it autofills a scammer email address. If I dont watch closely i can easily send personal info TO A SCAMMER!!!

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If you want to remove any obsolete or not wanted recipient email addresses, see @gary post link in the following thread for the various options you can do in the latest eM Client V9.2.x & V10.

This scammer email address does not have an x next to it so im assuming the only workaround is disable “use all recipients from sent folder for sugestion” option? That’s all I could figure out so far.

This doesnt make sense though because I 100% definitely would never email anything to this address. I mean its obviously scam city lol so unsure why its in my sent folder. I also checked gmail.com and its not in google contacts or “other contacts” either. I’ve also searched my sent folder on Gmail.com and its not there. So how can it be in emClient sent folder if its not in Gmail sent folder? Thats not possible right?


This scammer email address does not have an x next to it so i’m assuming the only workaround is disable “use all recipients from sent folder for suggestion” option? That’s all I could figure out so far.

This doesnt make sense though because I 100% definitely would never email anything to this address. I mean its obviously scam city lol so unsure why its in my sent folder.

You may have got some sort of eg: malware or virus on your computer which then has hooked in and then automatically sent that email, so then added the unwanted email address to the sent mail folder. So yes “try disabling the use all recipient’s from the sent folders for suggestion” in Settings and see if that stops that email address appearing in your To: line.

Now if the unwanted email address “doesn’t have an X next to it in the To: line to remove it”, and “disabling use all recipient’s from the sent folders for suggestion isn’t enabled in Settings”, and “its not showing in the show recipient’s history in Settings”, then it means “that email address has definitely been added as a Contact in one of your email accounts”.

So to remove that unwanted email address from your Contacts, when you compose the email, "Click on the word “To” (on the left) as in the example below.

Then “Click the dropdown on the far right of Folders” and select “All Contacts”.

Then either “Type the unwanted email address in the Filter Contacts field” or Scroll down and find the unwanted email address".

Lastly “Right click on the unwanted email address” and delete it. Then “close the select contacts window and close the compose window”. Then open a new email and it should be gone.

Unfortunately that did not work. See screenshot. Ive completely cleaned out all of the contacts out of emClient several times trying to figure this out. I’ve completely deleted the client and reinstalled it with deleting the database file as well. Also, this happens on my work pc and my home pc. I was a PC tech for 14 years and this has me stumped, emClient support is stumped as well.

Unfortunately that did not work. See screenshot. Ive completely cleaned out all of the contacts out of emClient several times trying to figure this out.

If it’s not in any account contacts, then it’s has to be either in your sent folder or recipient history.

Did you try disabling the option to “use all recipient’s from the sent folders for suggestion” ?

If disabling that fixes it, then click ths search at the top of eM Client and “select custom folder” and select “all your account sent folders”. Then type that unwanted email address in and search field and search. Then delete any emails that appears with that unwanted email address.

Also go to your “Recipient History” in Settings and click “Show Receipeints” and “click the Name heading to sort it in A-Z” to make it easier to “dblcheck the Receipeints history addresses”. Just incase you may not have seen it by default.

Also, this happens on my work pc and my home pc.

I’ve completely deleted the client and reinstalled it with deleting the database file as well

If creating a new database and setting up your accounts as new didn’t fix it, then that usually means the unwanted emails address “is coming from your cloud mailbox end” and eM Client is then finding / picking it up everytime even with a new local database. But normally what I and others advised will fix that from the eM Client end.

Also for a test, close eM Client and go online to each of your mailboxes and type that unwanted email address and see if it appears in the To: line. If it does you know it’s in the mailbox cloud end.