Linux support

I would like to express my interest in a Linux version as well and am trying to pick up some important arguments that were already expressed here as well as to add my own perspective to them.

Companies are going to leave Windows – if they can

I think many companies that develop enterprise software underestimate the relevance of Linux Desktops for enterprise customers just yet. A lot of companies are at the moment very unhappy with their Windows environments for many reasons.
A lot of them start to realize that this development will probably not get any better; many of them who have the flexibility (company size, not too much Active Directory shenanigans) are willing to migrate their end user’s desktops to Linux. Others will follow when issues are becoming to be considered unbearable.

Virtualization or emulation is not an option for paying customers

Some people here proposed/ asked to ‘simply’ use eM Client in a VM or emulate it with Wine. While that is not too much to ask from Linux enthusiasts, the average desktop user of a company would need a more seamless experience. Otherwise the administrator’s telephone will ring all day.

Open Source Mail Clients won’t to the job

The most common E-Mail clients on Linux (Thunderbird, Evolution, et cetera) do not really fit the enterprise customer’s needs. A proper enterprise-ready and user friendly mail client is often a blocking issue regarding a migration to Linux.

Linux users will pay money for good software

Many proprietary software developers equate Linux users with the Free Software Community that is not willing to run closed-source software and paying for licenses. That is not entirely true (anymore). Businesses who are running Desktop Linux want systems that ‘just work’ (what Linux does much better than Windows). That does not mean that companies/ administrators are not willing to pay for proprietary software if it just works.

Related to that is the argument that companies need software that their average employee can easily work with; and if so: they will certainly pay money for it.

Administrators often use Linux

Even the IT administrators of companies that run Windows environments often like to use Linux on other/ their private machines. If they get a great experience even as a “Free”-user on their private machines, they will more likely recommend a product to their company if the issue comes up. So the presence in Linux can boost up Windows sales as well.

Maintaining proprietary Linux software is not that hard anymore

The mess with targeting a lot of different distributions at the same time has become a lot less problematic since distribution-independent packaging like ‘snapd’ has evolved. Furthermore snapd’s automatic are very useful to keep all a company’s workstations up to date effortlessly.

Just looking at the Snap Store you will find proprietary mail clients that are successful there:

  • Mailspring,
  • Hiri,
  • BlueMail / Blix,
  • HEY Mail.

[To the obvious questions why I am not considering those: I think that eM Client suits the needs of European customers much better.]

Cross-platform software is a more valuable asset

The favorite platforms of certain industries may change from time to time. Being able to migrate to those quick and easy makes your software more valuable.
Some cynics amongst us may say that a certain part of Microsoft Windows’ business model is that it is sometimes hard to migrate software that was specifically written for it; so they simply keep paying/ it running to avoid painful migrations.
Being able to switch operating systems, operating system’s versions/ distributions, instruction set architectures, packaging and deployment methods more flexibly can make software more valuable in case of required changes.
If programming with .NET one should thus gauge whether functions outside of .NET Core are actually needed or development goals can be accomplished otherwise to become less reliant on a certain platform.

As you may have noticed I was trying to emphasise that some of your arguments show that an investment into a Linux version could be a smart business decision; which is the most important question regarding if and how fast we are going to get our wistfully expected Linux version.

If there will be an Alpha-/ Beta-/ Something-version I do as well offer to test it, give my thoughts and provide debugging information if necessary.


Well spoken! I agree with everey single word. The last few years i have intalled Linux on all all new PCs of family and friends. I only use still a Win7-Virtual-Machine because of eMclient.
I also think it could be a good business decision to move to Linux. I am sure there are a lot users for testing and supporting a Linux-Version, including me.

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Just add my name to the patiently waiting list.


Yep, I would be all in for a linux client, I’m running Fedora 33



I recently switched my family’s computers and mine to Linux. I installed Ubuntu Mate
and I really like it. It is very stable and fast. I wish I could find a Linux version of your program!


Unfortunately there is none. :sob:

Hi, I’m using Zorin 15.3 - yea, I’m willing to pay a license lor Linux!

I second the request for a Linux version.

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Trialing eM Client on Windows right now. A Linux version would be very much appreciated. No need to go FOSS for it obviously. :upside_down_face:

Best regards



yeah a Linux version would be highly appreciated!

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We would also like a Linux client and are willing to pay for it (since we use it commercially…)


Yes,same here
…also willing to pay

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I would also be willing to pay for a Linux client!

Currently working on Suse Linux, company does not use Windows at all. All on Linux Desktops. Would be happy to drop Thunderbird.


I’m an eM Client partner. It’s the best email client available in my opinion and I have no hesitation in recommending eM Client over the likes of MS Outlook, etc. for Windows clients. But I’m also a Linux user myself and would happily pay for a Linux desktop version and recommend it for any future Linux clients as well.


Hello Together,
how I can read, I am still not alone with my desire. It would be really very good if there is also an eM client version for Linux. Now there’s even one for the Mac. All the email client alternatives on Linux are quite nice, but there is honestly no really good one. Thunderbird is really terrible. I can’t handle this client at all. Evolution is getting very old and something is constantly not working. And so on.

Please also give Linux users a chance to use this great eM client.
Best regards, Roberto

I own a Pro License for v8.

I would very much like to see a Linux version (KDE Plasma/Qt) of eM Client, I would be willing to re-purchase a license if it was required. As others have said this is the best email client anywhere and it pains me not to be able to use it now that I use Linux as a daily driver.

Getting eM Client to run using wine has always been difficult to the point of impossible due to some very funky .Net requirements. I have not yet tested v9 on wine to see if some of these outdated requirements have finally been dropped.

If not a proper Linux client please at least migrate legacy code to .Net Core to improve the odds of running on Linux with tools like Wine.

Evolution currently remains the best/nearest option on Linux, although visually it’s far behind eM.
It isn’t too bad though and continues to see improvements, at least on Arch. Debian based distros may only be packaging old versions.

After some mucking around tonight. eM Client 9 will install on a win32 Wine Prefix (Windows 7), with basically no argument. I did install dotnet 3.5 and 4.8 into the prefix in advance, though I’m uncertain if that was necessary.

Wine 7.3 on Arch, Kernel 5.16.11, Plasma 5.24.3-1.

It installs and runs, some issues adding a gmail acocunt but that’s a product of the oauth flow and not having the right protocol handler set up for the call back (com.emclient.mailclient).

Adding a basic imap account went fine, adding caldav/carddav accounts from a nextcloud instance worked fine. Mail is synced and can be read. Looks rough/pixelated but I didn’t do anything to enable font smoothing yet. Calendars and contacts sync and are viewable.

All works well but for one critical error, I cannot open the settings window. As soon as I do the entire program crashes. Seems it might be an issue with DirectX? I’ve tried installing DXVK and Gallium Nine (Using an AMD card with Mesa drivers), makes no difference.

Unfortunately that completely kills it as an option. If anyone else has more success, let us know!

So maybe not DirectX.

I noticed that if I click “New Event > Online Meeting” I get the prompt saying “No online meeting providers set up. Set one up?” or whatever it is exactly. Clicking yes opens the settings but in a different section. Form there I can navigate through every settings section, except general.

I also noticed that launching using proton instead of steam, I’m able to open the settings. On the general section, there is the default application button. Clicking this in an instance launched with proton causes a crash.

So possibly something to do with default application/protocol handlers.

Some more notes:

Installing the Calibri font into the Wine prefix and setting eM Client to use that instead of Tahoe fixes the jaggy font issue.

PGP import, encrypt, sign and decrypt all work under Wine.

Using the Nextcloud cloud attachment functions works too.

When launching with proton, which allowed me to access the general settings tab, I was able to set the application to close to the system tray, which indeed closed it to the KDE Plasma system tray. Re-opening it from there worked.
Unfortunately launching with proton results in the application having no network connectivity, something I’m not willing to bash my head against right now.

Definitely! Very much needed!

Yes it is time for a Linux version. Roughly 30 people have replied wanting a Linux version.

30 people X $119.95 Single User 1 Computer Lifetime License = $3,598.50 Lost Profit

Of course there will be folks like me needing and wanting a lifetime license for multiple computers.

Obviously way more than 30 people would buy eM Client for Linux since really great email programs are lacking for Linux. Thunderbird, Kmail, Kontact, Evolution, Geary, and Mailspring… BLAH! If the problem is compatibility, make it a SNAP or FLATPAK. If the Linux distro doesn’t use these then tough. I would be happy with a 64-bit .DEB for eM Client.