My Google Calendar issue has not yet been addressed, and it is ongoing since version 7 release. Every now and then I add the Calendar account just to see how it’s working with eM Client. After a day of noticing that my events are not syncing, I concentrate on my CalDAV account which works perfectly. For most, Google Calendar syncs just fine, but if you search this forum, there are many affected by that issue.
The current release of GNOME is stable and polished. Maybe your experience doesn’t reach to the 3.3x releases Jeffrey.
I think Gnome needs a lot of work. For my preferences, Gnome frustrates me. Why can’t I set the screen blanking for more than 15 minutes? Why can’t I display the year at the top of the screen? And why do I need Tweaks? Can’t these be included in the settings panel? And so and and so forth. Anyway, thanks for the thoughts.
As with Linux, almost anything can be changed. For the screen to blank after 30 minutes, use $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 1800. So you can set that to whatever you want.
Look at GNOME extensions (Clock Override) for the date format. You can even have emoji clocks if that is your thing.
Yes, it seems that Linux is the future as Jackdinn said above. I spend about half my day on Ubuntu, so it must be true.
With Microsoft investing heavily in that platform (both Edge and the Defender API will be available on Linux this year) seems they might know something. Maybe other software vendors should pay attention to the Redmond boys.
macOS is not a flavour of Linux. It’s an openBSD derivat. Both are, with a lot of good will, some sort of UNIX - but that won’t give automatically a proper Linux client.
There would be a lot of adaptions to realise a Linux version for about 1,5% percent of world wide pc users. That’s unfortunately not a good market situation for a commercial driven organisation which is on to get real life customers.
The example of Microsoft is not given the fact that Linux got more popular, either that more developers (which are not real life customers) are working with Linux and Microsoft want to catch them. Not you, not me!
I totally whish the Linux version would be an option for us. I miss the comfort of EM in my Linux environment but I strongly guess this won’t anytime soon (which means in the next 8 to 15 years).
It would be nice if the EMClient dev team would run a go fund me for the Linux version. Then we could see if there is enough support and need for developping it.
It would be nice if the EMClient dev team would run a go fund me for the Linux version. Then we could see if there is enough support and need for developping it.
It is very difficult to determine the exact market share. Here in the UK, some figures that are available show that if you look at school age users, there is something like 70% of them are using Chrome OS, which really is just a Linux flavor. So as a generational thing, when we look to the future, we see that there is a major change happening. I wonder what it will be like in 5 years?
But also with yesterday’s last support day for Windows 7, the Linux community may just start expanding at a larger rate than before. You can run a modern Linux distro on the same older hardware that you had for Windows 7, but which will be fully supported with regular security patches and updates. And it’s free!!
I would buy it. I have tried mailspring, hiri, thunderbird, and more. They all have issues or developers have quit. This is a great email client and on linux you wouldn’t have much competition.
Mailspring doesn’t support Exchange. Hiri supports it, but it is dead - no development in maybe 2 years now. Evolution plugin is kind of working, but slow and opinionated. For the lack of clients, I’ve been relying on the web client lately - at least MS added notification support.
So yeah - I will also buy a good Exchange supporting mail client, as currently there are two, but not one good in Linux.
I got mailspring working with exchange using imap and smtp but I didn’t like having to login to mailspring and the email tracking. Felt like they were a bit too much in my business. Also when I was renaming and moving some folders around it got buggy and started locking up. Development has dropped of considerably and they have almost 900 issues. Bummer because I like the interface, shortcuts, and it is quick.
I spent a bunch of time learning wine this afternoon and got em client working on linux. Auto config of the email account wouldn’t work and took me a long time to get the account setup, but now it seems pretty good. I have only been working on it for an hour or two now so we will see if I run into other issues.
Yes EMClient on Linux would be good. Problem is there is so many flavors of Linux. Which one do you make it for ? . I would have liked EMClient on NeXTStep OS years ago. I had friends with NeXT Cubes and it was such a great OS. Just needed a really good mail client to go with it. Shame it was so expensive.
Which linux version to support? With the popularity of flatpak and snap developers have it a lot easier now to just develop the application and then use one or both of these as a means to deploy it. These platforms help in fixing dependencies and such without making the application specific to a distribution.
Gimp, Steam, GnuCash and others use this method to help make it easier for end users to use them. I would LOVE to see eMClient come to linux using one of these so that it could then be installed on my Chromebook!