Images in email signature disappears

Hi All,

I am a new to eM and recently configured my O365 email on eM Client. I have configured email signature with images. Unfortunately when I tested the signature by sending to another email id of mine, the email was received but the images from signature was missing.
I have tried the below

  1. Reconfigure the email signature in eM Client
  2. Made sure email setting is html

If you have just been pasting an image into either an html message or pasting an image into the html signature editor, then that may not work as it doesnt know the source of that file and normally why the email sent has broken or blank images.

So you might need to use the insert image option instead. See the below posts on this problem.

If you have HTML set when you are composing as per @Gary post in this thread, then could be you might need to use the “insert image function” in the signature editor" as per @Tonny_Andersson post in this thread.

@Gary post extract below.

“You need to ensure that you are composing the message as HTML. If you are using plain text, images will not be inserted. You can change to HTML manually in Menu > Message > Format > HTML and then insert the signature, or you can set it automatically in Menu > Tools > Settings > Mail > Compose > Mail Format”

@Tonny_Andersson post extract below.

“Format was set to HTML. I just figured out that it works if you insert the image via the insert-function in the signature-editor. But not if I just paste in the image from the clipboard”.

Lastly apart from the above two posts, if you are wanting to link images to an html signature from a eg: remote web site, you can also right click in the signature editor window and edit the source code and paste the url image link in the source if you are experienced at editing source code directly.