Exchange Web Services Error

Unfortunately this is an error on your server, so not anything we can do to resolve it. Their server is reporting an internal error because there is some corrupt data. You will need to contact your email provider directly, and ask them to fix it.

While deleting the server data will resolve it, it may not be a satisfactory solution for all users. Better to have your email provider fix the issue.

G’day. I am having trouble when EM Client is opening a new email account that is on exchange server. It keeps producing an error that says (see below) If I change the time for downloads from all time to one year, then I do not get the error message. I suspect there must be some “bad” email" somewhere past 1 year, but how do I find it and delete it with info from this error message? Microsoft Outlook 2021 does not have this problem.
Thank you so much if you can help.

“[Exchange Web Services] Synchronizing folder ‘SOURCEWARE/Sent’ failed due to the following error: An internal server error occurred. The operation failed., Property: [Calc:PersonId] PersonId, PropertyErrorCode: CorruptedData, PropertyErrorDescription:” .

An internal server error means an error on your email provider’s server. You will need to report it to them so they can fix it.

Thanks Gary, but my problem is not that simple. First of all, the server is Microsoft 365 and there is no way I can get support for that, second of all I have 4 email clients I am trying on Windows and Android, and none of them are having this problem and fourth of all, if I have EM Client set to 1 year download instead of ALL then error alert does not appear.
So, if EM Client is more sensitive, how do I find out which email it is having a problem wit?
Thanks again for responding.


the server is Microsoft 365 and there is no way I can get support for that

You can contact Microsoft 365 Support for home and business via the following links.

Thanks, but I have already been down this road. They say it is an EM Client problem as their Outlook 2021 desktop client that I have does not have any problems and has no errors and to contact EM Client!

We are having the same issue. Our tech team can’t figure it out, did you find a solution? We use godaddy fwiw

It is a server error, so your tech team won’t be able to do anything to fix it. You will need to ask your email provider for assistance. That means GoDaddy. Though ultimately it is an Exchange server issue, so that means Microsoft will need to fix it.

We are having the same issue. Tracked it down to anytime a folder tries to sync an email with a .vcf file attached. I searched for all emails with a .vcf file attached and deleted them. Sync works fine now. Sent an email direct to [email protected] to try and get them to fix and got the following response,

It’s something your mail server does not like for some reason. I can only recommend you to contact your mail service support and report the problem to them.

This is not a server problem. The fact of the matter is eM Client advertises and I quote from their website,

eM Client is a desktop email client with full MS Exchange synchronization.

when they clearly are not. We have used eM Client for almost 10 years now and while I enjoy the product most of the time, however this lack of support needs to be fixed. Every time we have a problem it would seem instead of investigating the problem and fixing it we are stuck on the defensive having to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there is something wrong with the software. Please fix this.

Furthermore please open this post back up so others can see the temp fix and until you all can permanently fix it,

The error reported in this thread by the original poster is a server issue. If your error is something different, then please provide the error.

It’s the same error and it’s not a server error.

Please see your error then. It says it is an internal server error. eM Client is not a server. Rather this is an error on your server so please ask your email provider for assistance with resolving it.

eM Client of course offers full Exchange synchronisation. Unfortunately when there is a server error, it might be affected. That needs to be fixed on the server, and then full syncing will resume.

I have been having a severe problem with EM Client syncing with my emails after a migration from Exchange Server (where it had no problems) to Microsoft 365. With the 365 copy of my folders, and after some syncing, EM Client would constantly stop and show a “Server Error” suggesting corrupt data and then ceasing to sync. I have spent weeks working to try and discover where and why it was failing.
Gary from EM Client is adamant that it is indeed a server error and to contact Microsoft to fix this problem. I did contact Microsoft and the service company (Sherweb) that is managing this for me. Both Microsoft and the service company are adamant that it is an EM Client problem. Why do they believe so?

  1. EM Client does not provide enough information (via its logs) to point to what is actually the record (email) that it is having the problem with or why
  2. Every other email client that I have tried has no problems syncing with that same data. The apps I have tried are: Outlook 2021, Outlook 2016, Blackberry Hub+ and Blue Mail

I had decided after nearly 3 weeks of trying to solve this problem that I could not continue to use EM Client on my 5 PC’s because EM Client stopped syncing when it got this error, so I was missing all data after any email that was causing the problem. I did not figure out how I could identify any so-called corrupt emails to solve this problem or even if indeed it was corrupted emails after the migration.

By chance, I found a new contribution (tjmeiner) to a post on this forum that I had originally made about this issue. He was having the same problem syncing with that same error message and somehow discovered that the culprit for him was any email that had an Outlook contact file as an attachment.

Sure enough, if I used Outlook 2021 to search for contact file attachments and then removed the attachment, or deleted the actual email, EM Client would start syncing to more data.

My original post was closed by Gary at EM Client yesterday.

Yes, of course deleting the corrupt data on the server will resolve it, because it removes it at the source. But that may not be a suitable solution for all users.

As this is a server error and not a client one, best is to ask your email provider to fix the internal server error they have.

Exchange Web Services] Synchronizing folder ‘[email protected]/Inbox’ failed due to the following error: An internal server error occurred. The operation failed., Property: [Calc:PersonId] PersonId, PropertyErrorCode: CorruptedData, PropertyErrorDescription:

since some weeks this error occurs, and unfortunately Em Client support closes the main topic and wont help anyone, just steering them towards microsoft.

After some help from another customers, I can say: the problem IS em client and not microsoft.
The database is NOT corrupted.
Em client is just not able to read a simple email with an outlook-attachment, like .vcf or some intern outlook-attachements like “Outlook-Element”


After deleting the email with “Outlook-Element” as attachement, the error was gone.

Just to help other customers to find a workaround, just b’cause support of the tool we paid for is not in the mood just to make a look by developers team, not only dumb looking over the error message itself.

Feedback wanted…:slight_smile:

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Unfortunately this is a server error, so there is nothing that can be done on the client to fix it. Only your email provider can do that, so please reach out to them for assistance.

No, that is not what this issue is. We can see by looking at logs provided by users that on trying to get the attachments from the server, the server responds it has an internal server error. This is not a client error.

That is correct, the database is not corrupt because it is not an eM Client issue. Rather as the error says this is a server error.

That is correct. If you delete the data on the server, it will be resolved. All you are doing is removing the data on the server that causes the error. Better to ask your provider to fix the server error than delete your data.

[Exchange Web Services] Synchronizing folder ‘[email protected]/Inbox’ failed due to the following error: An internal server error occurred. The operation failed., Property: [Calc:PersonId] PersonId, PropertyErrorCode: CorruptedData, PropertyErrorDescription: .

Hi everyone,

Since the other thread is locked, I wanted to share some guidance and a potential solution for those experiencing the “Exchange Web Services Error” (like the one mentioned here: Exchange Web Services Error.

The error message typically reads:

[Exchange Web Services] Synchronizing folder ‘[email address removed]/Inbox’ failed due to the following error: An internal server error occurred. The operation failed., Property: [Calc:PersonId] PersonId, PropertyErrorCode: CorruptedData, PropertyErrorDescription:

As suggested in the other thread, the issue appears to be a corrupted Outlook file within a message. Here’s how I resolved it:

  1. Access the Problematic Mailbox: I set up access to the affected mailbox by adding it as a delegate account in eM Client. This allows syncing around the time the problematic message arrived.
  2. Locate the Corrupted Message: Open Outlook Web Access and navigate to the approximate time of the sync issue. Look for emails with attachments, particularly those with an empty, unnamed file described as an “Outlook-type attachment.” Someone reported .vcf files or other Outlook file types could be a problem.
  3. Delete the Corrupted Message: Delete this message permanently (even from the recycle bin). You can download it as a separate file if needed. Check both Inbox and Sent Items folders as the user might have sent the message.
  4. Restart eM Client and Resync: Close eM Client and attempt to synchronize the account again. It should work properly now.

Regarding eM Client Support:

While I understand the initial classification of this as a server error, as a paying customer with 100 Pro licenses, I’m disappointed with the lack of a concrete solution and the locking of the previous thread. Proactive support and a permanent fix from eM Client would be highly appreciated.

Software Specificity:

It’s important to note that other email clients functioned normally during this issue, suggesting a specific problem with eM Client. This problem rendered several email clients unusable for a few days before I found this workaround. Additionally, the problematic message seems to have originated from eM Client itself. While the cause is unclear, similar issues in the future might prompt us to consider alternative email clients.

I hope this information helps others! I really like eM Client and use it every day, but these occasional issues with no solutions can be frustrating at times.

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Unfortunately as I have said before, this is a server error. eM Client can’t fix errors on your email provider’s server, so there is nothing that can be done from our side.

Sure you can delete the server data, and then there won’t be any server error. But a better solution is to ask your email provider to fix the error on their server so you don’t need to delete your data.