Exchange Web Services Error

Unfortunately it is a server issue as the error says. Only your email provider can fix it.

Did you read the part saying that the client could be sending something wrong (i.e. something not compliant) ?
What do you think about it ? Don’t want to have a look at it ?

Well, then your email provider will be able to tell you what that is. Unfortunately all they say is that they have a server error.

Perhaps you have a different error, in which case you need to quote it here please. Otherwise, the error already quoted in this topic is: An internal server error occurred.

That means your email provider is saying that they have an error on their server, not an error in the client application.

Unfortunately there is nothing that an email application vendor can do to fix a server error. Only your email provider can address that.

I understand that Microsoft has to provide more info about the error.

I have a last information.
The Android (mobile) version of EM Client shows no error.
The Windows one does.

Here is the latest response I received from Microsoft. We’ve been digging through and cannot determine what a third-party interfering tool is

I understand that you are looking for examples of third-party tools that could be interfering with the connection.

Please note that troubleshooting third-party tools falls outside the scope of our support. I would suggest reaching out to the support team of the specific tool you are using, as they would be better equipped to assist you with any configuration changes required in the admin portal.

It is an internal error on their server. Please give them the error that their server reports so they can fix it.

I’ve done that and they are insisting there are no errors in EWS as they’ve investigated our tenant and functioning properly. The implication from them is that there is a third party tool interfering with the connection.

Are you aware of any third party tools that could interfere with EWS in eM Client?

Same here. From 30 Mailinboxes, since 1 week 2 does not work properly with the error above. Since today, 3rd inbox has the error. Outlook is working well.

This is a server issue as the error says.

Unfortunately we are not Microsoft, so don’t have access to their servers to fix their errors. You will need to contact your email provider directly, so they can fix it.

We have the same problem since today with few users. Other clients are working - Outlook, Samsung mail and clients in mobile phones. Only the eM Client on Windows has problems.

Please contact your email provider for assistance as this is a server issue as the error says.

If you are getting this error,

An error occured [Exchange Web Services] Synchronizing folder ‘[email protected]/folder’ failed due to the following error: An internal server error occurred. The operation failed., Property; [Calc:PersonId, PropertyErrorCode: CorruptedData, PropertyErrorDescription: .

it is most likely caused because there is a problem syncing .vcf files between eM Client and Exchange Web Services. When I deleted any emails with .vcf attachments the syncing now works fine.

Unfortunately this is an error on your server, so not anything we can do to resolve it. Their server is reporting an internal error because there is some corrupt data. You will need to contact your email provider directly, and ask them to fix it.

While deleting the server data will resolve it, it may not be a satisfactory solution for all users. Better to have your email provider fix the issue.

G’day. I am having trouble when EM Client is opening a new email account that is on exchange server. It keeps producing an error that says (see below) If I change the time for downloads from all time to one year, then I do not get the error message. I suspect there must be some “bad” email" somewhere past 1 year, but how do I find it and delete it with info from this error message? Microsoft Outlook 2021 does not have this problem.
Thank you so much if you can help.

“[Exchange Web Services] Synchronizing folder ‘SOURCEWARE/Sent’ failed due to the following error: An internal server error occurred. The operation failed., Property: [Calc:PersonId] PersonId, PropertyErrorCode: CorruptedData, PropertyErrorDescription:” .

An internal server error means an error on your email provider’s server. You will need to report it to them so they can fix it.

Thanks Gary, but my problem is not that simple. First of all, the server is Microsoft 365 and there is no way I can get support for that, second of all I have 4 email clients I am trying on Windows and Android, and none of them are having this problem and fourth of all, if I have EM Client set to 1 year download instead of ALL then error alert does not appear.
So, if EM Client is more sensitive, how do I find out which email it is having a problem wit?
Thanks again for responding.


the server is Microsoft 365 and there is no way I can get support for that

You can contact Microsoft 365 Support for home and business via the following links.

Thanks, but I have already been down this road. They say it is an EM Client problem as their Outlook 2021 desktop client that I have does not have any problems and has no errors and to contact EM Client!

We are having the same issue. Our tech team can’t figure it out, did you find a solution? We use godaddy fwiw