Emails disappearing

I have been having the same problem. I am about to stop using this program.

I am also having same problem, especially when trying to move an email from inbox to a folder. Just completely disappears, Setup is gmail imap. All applications up to date.

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In general - I’ve had a similar problem when using the functionality “Move folder…” from one IMAP account to another. All mails disappeared completely (not even in Trash available anymore) but the folders were at least created, but empty.
Luckily I’ve had a backup of these mails.
But this really is a no-go behaviour in such transactions.

I am really getting annoyed with this now, I’m on the paid plan, and my company used EMClient as it’s very easy and clear, but this is a complete pain, gosh knows how many emails we’ve lost!

Did anyone have a solution before I look for an alternative and request my money back?

@Tony8 have you filed a ticket? If you’re on the paid plan don’t you get real support and don’t have to rely just on this forum?

I’ve had all kinds of problems with eMC, especially with gmail, but so far I’ve not been bit by this. I actually uninstalled eMC and went and played with 4 or 5 other clients (not including the full Outlook, which I started with). The end result, warts and all, eMC was the best client I found, short of going back to the Mac and the very good I was using on Mojave (haven’t used newer, so can’t speak to them).

I paid for eMC and opened a ticket with my main issue. So far they are at least replying and seem to be trying to figure it out (I owe them a screen shot this morning).


This has been going on since v8 first appeared, and although I reported it and they got back to me saying they’d investigate, they never came up with any solution. In the end, it got so appalling having to move an email, see it disappear from the destination folder before my eyes after a second or two and then reappear in Allmail (Gmail over IMAP), I had to bin v8 altogether and go back to v7, which of course means having to dismiss the wretched “upgrade” nag every time I start the program. And now I’ve just found out today that because the new People API (Google’s replacement for Contacts API) isn’t supported by older versions of emClient, I’m about to lose contact syncing now.
Looks like it really is time to bin emClient altogether and find a new app for email. Shame, I like the look of emClient but too many problems to bother with it any more.

Just reaching out to see if anyone had any updates on this at all? I moved to MailBird, but it’s is so long winded in terms of moving emails, finding folders, dragging and sorting. Then the window is not very easy to look at in conparision to EMClient. I really want to go back to EMClient, but I can’t just have emails disappearing. I contacted Support (As I pay for a License) and they said:-

'To do that, please go to Menu > Settings > Advanced and click on the Clear Logs button.

Then select the IMAP option next to the email account where the message is disappearing from, and also the one you are moving from if it is different.

You will need to tick the boxes so they turn blue with a tick in it.

Click on Apply and OK.

Restart eM Client.

Find a message you want to move.

Select the following message (the one that is going to disappear) and somewhere in the message body, right-click and choose Properties. Make a note of the UID.

Next select the message you are going to move and somewhere in the message body, right-click and choose Properties. Make a note of the UID.

Make a note of the time, and move the message, reproducing the issue.

Restart eM Client again.

Go to Menu > Settings > Advanced and click on the Send Logs button. Please include the time and UID of the messages you moved, and the UID of the message that disappeared.

You can then untick the selection you made earlier, and click on Apply and OK.’

So they just don’t understand that we ‘DON’T KNOW WHEN OR WHAT EMAIL WILL DISAPPEAR’. It seems to be totally random. And where does it go?! I have no idea.

Any ideas anyone? I was thinking if we should set up a ‘copy to’ where we copy every single email (from a given email account) to another account, that isn’t in emclient. Then, we can periodically check the ‘copied’ account and see if there are any emails in there that have been deleted. If we don’t put that account on emclient, then we may see patterns.

Yep I have an update to this. I had gone back to v7 of emC in Oct2020 because that version didn’t lose my messages! Then when I heard that v7 was going to lose sync with the new Google People contacts system I asked emC tech support again and they promised the issue had been resolved in October2020, although would not have made it into a released version until sometime later. Anyway on that basis I gave v8 another try and so far I have been unable to reproduce the problem at all, so I’m very happy to be back on the latest version of emC as it does everything I want in an email client and does it attractively.
My specific issue was with Gmail, which of course doesn’t use physical folders but has “labels”. New messages come with the “inbox” label, and if you move them to another “folder” then they lose the “inbox” label and gain a label with the name of the folder. I like to mark messages for action as “unread” and move them to an appropriate folder for dealing with later. I happened to notice one day as I did a manual refresh in emClient, the unread message count in the folder I’d just moved a message to, dropped by one. Looking in the folder, the message I’d just moved there was no longer there! It wasn’t in “trash” either. So where had it gone? Eventually I found it in “AllMail” which is Gmail’s equivalent of an Archive - if a message has no labels at all then it can only be seen in AllMail. So what was happening was that in the process of removing the “inbox” label and applying the folder’s label, during emC sync the folder’s label was being lost and the email ended up in AllMail. Anyone experiencing the same issue will be familiar with what all this means, and as far as I can see it has been fully resolved in (or before) the latest version.

Yes that issue in V8.x of moving / dragging an email from the Inbox to another label (in Gmail) where sometimes randomly the email wasn’t there in the folder you moved / dragged it to, which then only showed in “All Mail” folder was resolved some months ago.

I just started using emC. I have version 9.2.1222 and the problem, exactly as described above, is occurring for me. Specifically, dragging an email from the Inbox to another label (in Gmail), and it disappears, and is only visible in the “All mail” folder.

So it either wasnt resolved, or it came back? Anyone else having the problem in v9 ?

I cannot replicate that issue with the latest eM Client V9.2.1222 for Windows using an IMAP Gmail account. Could be all your messages in the labels are just not synced 100% yet to the client and might be taking time to appear for some reason.

First click on All Mail under your Gmail account and then click the dropdown arrow on the right of Refresh. Next click on Operations. You will then see if the All Mail folder has fully synched.

If it hasn’t then wait till it has and then click on your label again to see if the message appears. Eg: If All Mail is not synced 100% that can sometimes explain why the labels are not showing messages you dragged to them as all labels update from All Mail in Gmail.

Now if All Mail is fully synced and your label is still not showing the dragged message, then click your mouse on the Gmail label where those messages haven’t appeared and then click “Refresh” at the top.

Failing that if those messages are still not appearing after a short-time, right-click on the label and then click Properties at the bottom. Then click the Repair tab at the top and finally click Repair.

Note: This clears the local cache in eM Client so can take a little time for messages to reappear.

Failing that if you are using an IMAP account, i would remove and re-add your Gmail account via the Automatic email wizard at the top again via “Menu / Accounts”.

Lastly if still the same issue, then might be an optional program locally installed interfering with the labels updating in eM Client. So if you have any eg: Optional Firewall / Security programs, or Optional Antivirus programs, or VPN’s etc, try completely disabling those to test.

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Thanks for the quick response. Actually, the “refresh” is the final step which triggers the issue. Here are the specific steps to reproduce:

  1. Manually create a couple folders (or labels, being we are using gmail IMAP) called folder1 and folder2
  2. Delete any message from the inbox, so it ends up in the “trash” folder.
  3. Drag the email out of the trash folder, and drop into a folder1
  4. Click on folder1, so you can see the email you just dragged there.
  5. Click “refresh”. Voila! The email disappears right before your eyes. It will now only be visible in the “all mail” folder.

OK. So problem reproduced already. But there is more weirdness. Continue with these steps:

  1. Drag that email out of “all mail” and drop it back into folder1. Now if you right click on that email, and select “tag”, you will notice, it is tagged as “folder1”
  2. Delete it
  3. Go find it in “trash”. It still is tagged “folder1”. This is a another bug. The foIder1 tag should have been removed when I deleted it. It causes mayhem as follows…
  4. Drag it from trash to folder2.
  5. Go to folder2, and right click it there, and see it is now tagged with both “folder1” and “folder2” (not cool!), though the subject line shows only “folder1”
  6. Click “refresh”. Viola! The email magically disappears again! This time, it jumped from folder2 to folder1. If you click on folder1, you see it lost the folder2 tag, even though the last thing I did was drag it to folder2


Actually, the “refresh” is the final step which triggers the issue. Here are the specific steps to reproduce

I will try and reproduce that issue with the steps you advised above.

Go find it in “trash”. It still is tagged “folder1”. This is a another bug. The foIder1 tag should have been removed when I deleted it. It causes mayhem as follows…
Drag it from trash to folder2.
Go to folder2, and right click it there, and see it is now tagged with both “folder1” and “folder2” (not cool!), though the subject line shows only “folder1

I don’t believe this is a bug where the label tag names are still showing on the messages when moving them in or out of the trash folder or moving them between any other Gmail labels.

You normally have to manually remove tags from Gmail messages if you no longer want them. The tags automatically will add, but not normally remove. This has always been the case as far as I know. I will do my own tests on that though later.

Hey there. I just tried it on the gmail web GUI. You are correct, that when you delete from folder1 → trash. Then drag from trash → folder2, the email get tagged with both folder1 and folder2. BUT, the email is only visible in the folder2 list. In other words, it acts like any other file browser or email client behaves: The email ends up where you drag it to. (Imagine that!) It does not magically jump to somewhere from its past history (or worse, into the “all mail” folder), leaving the user to guess where it is, and hunt it down, every time they move it.

Further, it seems like there is no limit on the number of tags an email can accumulate, if you delete it, then drag it out of trash to a different folder. (I created a folder3, and yep, as long as you delete it between folder moves, you end up with it tagged with all 3 labels)

However, the key is, in gmail it ALWAYS ends up displayed in the the last folder you drag it to (like any other file browser would). So regardless of the underlying tags, it behaves properly in terms of where to find the email after you move it.

So I think therein lies the bug that emC must fix.

Related note: In gmail’s web interface, when you drag directly from folder1 to folder2 (no delete in between the move), the folder1 tag is removed, and replaced with the folder2 tag, which matches emC, and leaves no room for a mistaken final destination. So no issues there. However, if you start with 3 tags, it only removes the folder you’re moving it from, leaving 2 active tags. But still, gmail ALWAYS displays it in the last folder you move it to, regardless of the underlying tags. This is correct behavior, which differs from emC.

Of course I welcome & appreciate you double checking me on all this.

As is, emC is unusable, because I rescue things from the trash routinely, and this prevents me from reliably doing that. With the volume of email I handle, I cant afford to go hunting through my massive data base, trying to find a randomly strewn email. That’s a show-stopper. sigh :frowning:

Ok I tested your above steps using EMC V9.2.1222 for Windows and yes initially after the email message is deleted or moved from the Inbox to the Trash folder, and then dragged / moved to a new or existing eg: folder 1 or folder 2 as in your example, the email message then (does disappear) after a few seconds when you click (Refresh as you say), and is then only found in the Gmail “All Mail” folder.

However, if you drag or move the message from the Inbox (directly to eg: folder 1 or folder 2), then the message stays there in either folder (and doesn’t disappear). So it only disappears if its initially deleted or moved to the Gmail trash folder first, and then moved or dragged to other labels afterwards.

I then tested this same thing online in the Gmail GUI (via a browser) and deleted emails from the Gmail inbox to the Gmail Trash folder, and then dragged / moved those messages to new or existing labels and (they did not disappear) when i refreshed online. So this problem is definitely only in eM Client.

Note:- This is a different issue than the original one that was resolved, where emails moved from the Inbox (directly to any other Gmail labels and not via the Trash folder first) used to randomly disappear. That problem no longer exists.

I’ll report this new issue through to be looked at, as can definitely replicate this problem every time.

Yes, precisely.

And yes, I see how this differs from the older problem, which is now resolved.


Manually create a couple folders (or labels, being we are using gmail IMAP) called folder1 and folder2
Delete any message from the inbox, so it ends up in the “trash” folder.
Drag the email out of the trash folder, and drop into a folder1
Click on folder1, so you can see the email you just dragged there.
Click “refresh”. Voila! The email disappears right before your eyes. It will now only be visible in the “all mail” folder

There has just been a new eM Client (interim) Windows release version 9.2.1553 update on the release history page which appears to have fixed the email from dissapearing in the Gmail label (if you first deleted or moved the email to the Gmail trash folder) as in your steps above. This new update appears to have fixed this issue for me.

Note: - When I first tested this specific issue on the new update on two computers the problem still happened (only the first time) I tested it. Further testing after closing and reopening eM Client the problem never happened again. So close and reopen eM Client after updating as otherwise might still have some old eg: cache in the label.

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Thank you so much for the heads up! Obviously they were onto this bug before I flagged it in the forum. That pretty much makes makes emClient usable (and very attractive) again.


Did that interium V9.2.1553 or superseded recent new Interium V9.2.1577 update fix that disappearing email issue above for you ?

Yes, it totally did!

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