eM Client 7 BETA launch

@Richard: “Hey presto, all is well again!”. Sorry, but it’s not. Changing that setting just prevents that Google tracks and evaluates your actions (openly). Google will continue to mark messages as important - just fewer message and less accurate.

Full support comment from Jörg Giencke. Application specific passwords are a royal PiTA but a necessary evil to properly secure a Amazon, Google, Microsoft or other multi-service provider account (single factor is quickly going the way of the skeleton key). OAuth dramatically simplifies the authentication process is clearly the way of the future. EM Client development/support made the right choice here, even if only Google specific at the moment.


New to the Beta so forgive me if I’m not posting this in the right place. I’ve just installed v7 for use with my Gmail account and everything seems fine. I’m syncing mail, contacts, calendar and tasks. As a user of Google Keep I’m wondering if anyone has ever thought of integrating GKeep within eMClient - perhaps similar to ‘Notes’ in Outlook. With ‘everything else Google’ integrated it seemed a nice idea to me. Thoughts?

Google has hundreds of discrete services including dozens with some level of email/calendar integration. Where do you draw the line? While I am also a Keep user I am not sure it rises to the level of integration with a traditional mail client unless Google opts to make Keep the official ‘to-do’/task manager for Gmail.

Gkeep is not a Google service. I would draw the line at the actual services provided by Google itself, and not plugins from other devs.

Sorry to use the term ‘GKeep’. I’m referring to the ‘Google Keep’ service.

Even so, judging by the speed of development of EmClient I would not want to ask them to expand on anything. E.g., look at how long it has taken to implement Conversation View- several years. Mail, Calendar, Contacts seems to take up enough dev resources.

Too many IMAP connections
For the first time this morning I started getting a BUNCH of errors about too many IMAP connections. I found a thread requesting that I turn IMAP logging on for the connection reporting errors and restart. I have done that and have not experienced any connection error reports since restarting.

It worked!  thank you!

Good morning.  Any news about the latest Beta version?
Where can we download it?

Thank you.

I’ll take a guess…    “available soon”


LOL, regarding the issues reported here it’s certainly better to add another few days, weeks or months before going gold.

No - honestly they should take the time needed to get a least the current v6 features working properly again. OTH there is not much in v7 that attracts me to upgrade anytime soon.

Some of us are working on V7 all the time.

I’m having an issue where when a message gets stuck in the outbox (usually due to a blocked port on my school’s network) and finally gets through (usually due to my connecting to a VPN) the message will be sent along with multiple blank messages to both “undisclosed recipients” as well as the original recipient. Both of these will be in the BCC column.

Hello David,
please set up SMTP logging in Tools>Settings>Advanced section.
Restart eM Client and replicate this issue.
When it happens again, please go to Advanced section again and click Send logs.
Change the recipient to [email protected], add a link to this thread/comment in the body and ideally attach the EML files of the generated sent messages.
Thank you for your cooperation.


I’m using v7 for some some time and overall I’m not pleased when comparing to v6 :frowning:
There are many small bugs that makes experience irritating from time to time. Like for example I have constant number showing some unread messages when there are none…I have this even in ‘Unread’ folder which is empty.
Client constantly is loosing main mail account choosing one that is on top of the list (or at least I think that’s how it chooses).
I have feeling that search doesn’t work as good as in v6 and moving this field on the right side on the screen isn’t too ergonomic when we have panoramic LCDs - it should be right above message list because it filters it.
Because it’s webkit there is a problem with fonts - webkit has really weak font rendering engine. It’s a little bit better then six months ago but still makes font looks worse then on v6 and on FF for example. I know why it works this way - webkit won’t use Windows way of AA fonts but force theirs lower grade algorithms. This issue is clearly visible when links are in the preview window.

I really hope they will fix all those issues as soon as possible…

I don ́t know if this is intential or not but:

When using the search function and searching for a domain name in Sent E-Mails nothing gets found.

The problem is, that I often send e-mails to a certain company and the only reference is that the email is going to [email protected] => So a search for companyname should find those e-mails, but they are not found.

I confirm I’m having the same problem.

I installed and tested V7 for 2 days. Everything seemed to be working just als well as V6, yet nothing really works better for me. All the new features are not anything I missed. So I went back to V6. So I won’t spend my hard earned money on the upgrade (happy I haven’t bought the lifetime licence).

Gmail user: I had to turn off conversations totally in order to get rid of “duplicate” messages; duplicated only because they’re in the All Mail folder as well as wherever else they are labeled.

Also second the suggestion to return the search box to above the Message List, because that’s what being searched.