Downloading attachments is extremely slow

My work email is registered on Gmail, but no matter where I am and what internet connection am I using, the attachments from emails are being downloaded extremely slow. Very annoying when even 2 Mb being download for minutes.

Where is an issue? Anyone else having same?

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martes 13 junio 2023 :: 0704hrs (UTC -0500)

If is not clear if the issue is with Webmail with Gmail or eMC.
If eMC what version?
If NOT eMC have you tried with Webmail?



¡Los mejores desde Montreal y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Have to agree! Attachments regardless of size are very slow to download in EMC. Not so on my Ipad. Not sure if this has something to do with AirSync? I am using Outlook.

Same problem. Definitely an eMClient problem, as it does not happen on other clients.

Please see my recent comment here. Even if it isn’t a Yahoo! account, the setting may help.