Am I doing something wrong? Or is my eM Client acting funny? I have LOTS of calendars tied into eM Client and I love it and how well it works. I have multiple Google calendars, I have iCloud calendars that are mostly shared with family who have Apple devices, I have MS Exchange calendars, etc etc.
Naturally, I have to use the checkbox functionality to show only the primary 50% to 75% of the calendars that are relevant to my day. Others stay hidden. However, on occasion, I might want to temporarily enable some obscure calendar by marking its checkbox. (“Let’s see if Aunt Angela will be free next month” kind of checking)
THE PROBLEM: If I click directly in that calendar’s checkbox, i can easily toggle it on or off. That works. But if I accidentally click ever so slightly out of position and click the NAME of that calendar then ONLY that calendar becomes checked and visible. All other calendars (in my case, 30+ calendars) un-check and disappear. There does not seem to be any way of getting them to all re-appear save for manually scrolling through my list and re-enabling ALL of them individually.
If i’m on a phone call or under some time stress (let’s say I was checking that obscure calendar while attempting to coordinate a flight booking) then it’s a real pain point to have all my calendars disappear. I frantically begin trying to re-enable them, one by one, and if in my haste I click the name of any OTHER calendar, the others all disappear and the whole process of rebuilding starts over again.
Does anyone else experience this? Is there a way to stop this from happening or at least to immediately restore all the calendars I was viewing moments prior if I accidentally click a Calendar Name?
What is this feature supposed to be for? Highlighting one specific calendar? Kind of like the [Windows + D] “show desktop” feature, I get that perhaps… but such a function would need an immediate “restore to what I had moments ago” to be truly helpful. Does that exist?
I have the same problem : (lots of calendar, for multiple activity and context).
I was wondering as you why it works like this!!
I will make a new post to ask for a fonctionnality to on/off a group of calendar at the same time.
i’ll post here the link back here when done if you want to vote for it.
I cannot replicate that calendar issue. eg: I have 2 IMAP Calendars (1 x Gmail & 1 x and clicking anywhere on the calendar checkbox, or even just outside the checkbox, or on the calendar name itself, doesn’t deselect my other calendar. Can you screenshot exactly where you click to get this to happen.
Also what version of eM Client are you running and do you have Windows or Mac.
It does happen as Deviantollam reported in V8.2.1473 if you have a calendar that is unchecked along with some that are checked, and you click on the unchecked calendar’s name.
Yes with (that scenario you mentioned) “where you deselect a calendar first” I can replicate that issue still with eM Client V 8.2.1509 Windows. Example below.
This behavior is made on purpose, so you can easily switch to a single calendar view. In case you wish to switch between calendars, use the check-box. Also, you can select multiple calendars by shift - left-clicking the first and the last one. This way you may select multiple calendars at once.
then i must ask, is there a similar function to immediately switch back out of single calendar view? because right now this is more of a land mine that hurts users than it appears to be a helpful function to assist users.
but maybe those of us who have tripped over this before are in the minority? i can’t imagine ever needing to hide all but one single calendar.
I do not think it is possible right now, but as I said, you can shift+ left click on the top calendar and then the last to select all of them. Maybe try to adjust the size of the font, so you can click the checkbox more easily? Best regards, Robert
There seems to have been no movement on this open issue for quite some time. I cannot fathom how this behavior is actually on purpose when, naturally, if someone wants to have a “view only this calendar” moment that would seem to be a temporary state… but there is no means to revert this.
I kind of want to absolutely BEG for a means to disable this behavior since it gets me at least once a week at this point, accidentally disabling 20+ of my calendars (often when I’m in the middle of a call or a meeting" and then I spend the next minute and a half frantically trying to re-enable all of them while accidentally turning them all off AGAIN in the process multiple times.
Right… but then if someone accidentally causes this behavior, how can it be quickly reversed? It’s madness that someone might trigger this condition. Maybe I should also illustrate a key problem with the hitbox areas for clicking…
…it’s that last image that really conveys the problem. One could be targeting the checkbox, but if you’re even SLIGHTLY off when attempting to hit the checkbox, boom… all other calendars are flushed down the drain.
At the very least, perhaps we can constrain the interpretation of the clicks. Maybe a hard left-right delineation… clicking on one side is “checkbox” and to the other side of a clear and intuitive area is “name”…
The calendar preview is determined by what calendar folders are ticked in the folder tree, or just a single calendar that you have selected if it is not ticked.
If you only want to view Travel, then all others will be unselected.
When you want to view a combination of multiple calendars again, you will need to tick the ones you want to view.
What I’m saying however, especially with those images (can you see the images I attached to my post?), is that attempting to click on the checkbox is REALLY challenging especially on high resolution displays.
If you’re off by even a pixel, above or below, eM Client treats this as though you clicked on the “name” of the calendar. Having some grace buffer space like the hypothetical hitboxes in the last image I attached would be a massive UI and UX help.
I absolutely agree with you. Just happened to be again for the umpteenth time, and it’s super frustrating.
The most common thing I want to do: ADD a calendar to the carefully selected list of calendars.
The least common thing I want to so: REPLACE my curated calendar views with one calendar.
Unfortunately, the Replace option has the biggest clickable area (see the green-highlighted images that deviantollam posted earlier in the thread). My most-common use-case, conversely, has this teeny-tiny clickable area. This means that it’s way easier to accidentally replace everything than to add. Yes, there is an element of user-error; I recognize I’m mis-clicking, or accidentally clicking on a calendar name when trying to focus on my calendar window.
I would also emphatically request being able to customize this behavior some more. I’d love to disable the Replace functionality entirely on my calendar.
This thread didn’t get much engagement, but I know that my company uses eM Client and this problem is massive for basically everyone I work with. Will anyone consider helping on this topic?