Windows 11 App Icon Unread Count

Is it possible to get the count of unread emails to display on the taskbar icon for the app in Windows 11? I looked through the settings but could not see anything.

it possible to get the count of unread emails to display on the taskbar icon for the app in Windows.

I don’t believe it’s possible to show unread mail counts on the eM Client task bar icon. Only new mail envelope notifications.

The Mac OS does have unread new mail counts in eM Client on the Dock Bar shortcut “as it’s built into the OS Settings to do that” when enabled.

You can also show new mail notifications “in the Windows 10 & 11 Tray”. See the following thread post.

Hmm…I’ve seen other apps do it, but they must be doing something custom. Anyway, thanks for the info.

Interestingly, I am now getting an envelope on the task bar icon. It doesn’t have the count, which is fine. I just wanted something there. I’m not sure what might have caused it to start working other than perhaps a reboot.

Interestingly, I am now getting an envelope on the task bar icon. It doesn’t have the count, which is fine. I just wanted something there. I’m not sure what might have caused it to start working other than perhaps a reboot.

Yes thats the default eM Client taskbar notification envelope icon (like the small one in the tray that also appears when you get new mail). Could have just initially been a Windows glitch that you didn’t get the default new mail notification envelope icon appear on the taskbar. Great that its going now though.


Ps Maybe down the track the unread mail count can also be hooked up to the taskbar icon as well.

Yeah, the unread number isn’t necessary, the indicator is enough for me. But perhaps there are people who would find it useful. I just needed something to indicate it.