Why are you limiting your users ability to install this software?

Why can’t I install this software wherever I like? Forcing it onto the system drive is a severe limitation. As such, this software is useless - to me, at least.

Back to Outlook…

I am sorry but it is common trend these days.

So, if everyone is jumping off a cliff you will too?

Weak excuse - reflects the software itself.

It is not an excuse - we decided to not allow users to specify the installation folder because we believe this approach is more effective and may eliminate potential problems.

Well - the only thing you can be sure it’s effective of, is eliminating potential users, and perhaps even customers. If it’s that lazily coded at the base level, imagine what the guts are like.


Tell us your use case why you would like to do that?

The fact is, the more confusion you show over this issue, shows that the developers of this software lacks the experience, and even imagination, to foresee variables where folks might not want to install programs on the boot volume - for any number of reasons!

How to specify the installation folder?

Currently setup.msi is using the default C:\Program Files (x86)\

but I need to install to my D: drive

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
How to specify installation folder?.

Davebo actually has a very good and valid point; I think “because it’s a common trend” is a very poor justification for a decision.

Actually, I am expecting to install in different folder also.
This will save me when the crash happens to C:.

However, I only use the free version and maybe it doesn’t matter…

“Tell us your use case why you would like to do that?”

I have a small ssd as my boot drive (c:) and am trying to save space by using D drive for non speed dependent applications. I appreciate the free version and would like to use it as I am getting upset with MS outlook’s needless complexities.
Please consider adding an option to set drive and folder selection


Installing products on a different drive other than the boot drive do not “Save” anything. The program functionally essentials are out of the hive.

The only way (under current windows logic) to install on a different drive and have it work after reloading the system, is if the program(EmClient in this case) does not store any data in the registry or use systems resources (.dll,etc). Even restore points are lost if you loose your boot drive.

Since EMClinet uses .NET resources and system resources, and you loose your boot drive, you have to reinstall anyway because there would be no record of what and where your pgm is about, so what is the point of installing elsewhere? you can back up your client and restore after reloading (Carbonite, etc).

I agree on all your points except that the program takes up drive space on the solid state drive. A mail program does not need the speed that an SSD gives it so why use valuable space storing its executable, dll’s etc. on it rather than a regular hard drive.

i would consider Email the most important appl that I have but that is just me. When building a system or recovering, the first thing I am asked to install/restore first is email. I would think one would want the most functional and dependable resource for email, but again that is just me.

If SSD real estate is your most important consideration for appls, then choose a product that conforms to your requirements. When supporting an app like EmClient, developers have to consider uniformity in implementation to provide effective and cost effective support.
Making assumptions about your user base’s technical savy is almost always an invitation for disaster.

You would be surprised at the logic some people use when trying to manage installs. The more uniform it is is, the better. I am sure that EmClent developers are not lazy nor looking for the easy way out. EmClient is an exceptional email client and it’s functionality should speak for itself.
Just my opinion as a user who has “been there and done that”!! ;-o)

My intention is NOT to put down this product. I am using it and liking it!
My reasoning for wanting to move the “program” off the SSD is email does not need the extreme speed that the SSD offers. I DO have the DB files on my D drive as it is.
The size of EMClient is small enough to not be a problem. I was originally responding to your query why you would need to be able to select an install location. Would I like that option? YES. Is it a deal breaker? NO. heck I am happy the program is offered free and plan on showing it off to my team for eval and possible roll out to our users.

I agree with you about the importance of email and it is one of the first things installed however email is more of a static function rather than a live-action program where speed of retrieval from a hard disc is noticed. ie: cad rendering vs. retrieving email

Thanks for the invigorating debate

Good Points!..Glad you take my comments in the spirit of invigorating debate…earmark of a professional!!
Em is a work in progress as I see it and has all the potential of rising to a dominate star…Good products are hard to find in the mist of the “wannabe’s”. Some good clients have passed away over the years and hopefully Em will stay true to it’s calling,…namely processing email…

I do agree with both side comments here.

However i can not believe that the developers are arguing for a simple issue like this.

why can we not have a setup screen which we are used to asking install in C:\Program Files (x86)\ OK or choose another folder…

.net framework does not care where the application files are. if developers have had-coded %user% or %PROGRAMFILES% types of variables then it is a different ball game (i don’t think this is the case any way, if it is then …)

I do software testing and QA. I never actually understood developers insistence on items saying “it should be like this” in some ridiculously simple issues.


It is simply stupid and blatantly arrogant to insist users install the program where the developer decides. I for one have a system drive and a different one where all programs reside. Why should I change this for you? A few days ago a I paid over 60 euros for a lifetime license (had tried the software when it was at version 3 and liked it) but now I am not even installing it because of this arrogant policy.

Your question is totally irrelevant. If your users tell you that your restrictive installation policy is against their wishes just take it as that. They don’t need to satisfy your curiosity. After all, you are their service provider not the other way round.

You (Mr Wilson) are not trying to kid me, are you? Users who don’t care about where software gets installed will just click on “Next” whereas users who - like myself - have enough computer experience to care are told by you to do as they’re told? Come on, I can’t believe your company is made up of a bunch of idiots. You can’t be, otherwise I would not be taking the trouble of writing my third comment in under an hour. In other words: I like your software (as far as I can remember) but I abhor your arrogance towards a totally justified users’ wish.