Where appointments go

I use both Outlook and Gmail for my calendars. Preferably Gmail.

When I accept an invitation in an email, I have no control over where that appointment ends up. That’s a problem, although I love my free time.

The problem is both in Windows and Android.

On the desktop, the event is created in the calendar associated with the email address it was sent to. If there is no calendar for that email account, it is created in the Local Folder calendar instead. If Local Folder calendars are not visible below your other folders, you can enable them by selecting Menu > Settings > General > General > Show Local Folders. Click on Save & Close to save the setting.

Thanks, sounds logical. Still, I’d like control over it. To choose the current system, or otherwise.
I’m not the only one using more than one email address.

You do have some control over it. If you have a calendar associated with the email account, it will go to that calendar. If you don’t, it will go to the Local Folder calendar instead. You can change that last option and specify a different calendar for all invites sent to that address. See: Calendar Invitations

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Ah, thanks! That’s the answer I was looking for.

I use Business Calendar on my Android phone, and a few minutes earlier, have included all my calendars and task lists in the calendar and task views of both BC (on Android) and emClient (on Windows). That should cover it.

I see that my outlook.com account through AirSync doesn’t show the option of setting calendars etc.
Presumably, because Microsoft won’t allow it.

No, because the Outlook.com account automatically has a calendar, you can’t change it to another one. The option is only for accounts that don’t have calendars as part of their setup.

I also can’t find these settings in emClient for Android.
My mistake or my hope for the future.

Because we don’t yet have a calendar as part of the eM Client Android or iOS app, you won’t have these same options on mobile devices.

That’s understandable. Only, I accept invitations that I receive through various email accounts. When I accept, I’d like to control in which calendar (or task list) the invitation turns into an appointment.
No, I’m no a control freak. Am I? :wink: