Ver.10.0.3266 causing headaches

This version has been nothing but headaches, for me anyway. It’s unstable and frequently freezes. I’m left having to start the Task Manager to stop the program from running. Then, it freezes my PC and I have to restart. Any help would be appreciated.

This version has been nothing but headaches, for me anyway. It’s unstable and frequently freezes.

Try then the latest v10.0.3447 via the release history page and see if that fixes it.

Close eM Client before updating and also make a backup first incase you need to restore for any reason via “Menu / Backup” (Pc) or “File / Backup” (Mac).

If that still is unstable or freezing on your computer that can sometimes then be related to eg: background tasks resident sometimes interfering with the mail client.

Programs that can sometimes interfere are eg: Optionally installed Firewall / Security programs, or Optionally installed Antivirus programs or VPN’s. So if you have anything like that installed other than what comes default with the OS, try completely disabling those to test.

Apart from that if nothing else running resident like that and the new v10.0.3447 update makes no difference to the issue and is still freezing, then see this post from @Olivia_Rust where you can then send in logs to be diagnosed.

Issues here with the v 10.03266.0, too. But Em Client won’t open, so I can’t back up as you instruct. How can I backup before updating to 10.0.3447?

Uninstall eM Client and if you have Windows “don’t delete the database” when asked on the uninstall Wizard. Then download V10.0.3447 via the release history page and reinstall and see if that will then open.

If it still won’t open, try rebooting your computer as could be something resident interferring.