Hi, if you can replicate the freeze, please use the option to Profile the program (menu>Help>Profile for 10 seconds) and then replicate the issue within those 10 seconds.
The logs can then be found via menu>Help>Open logs directory.
Send those logs to me at [email protected] and I’ll get them analyzed so we can see what causes the freeze and find a solution.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Another option is that both Menu>Export and Copy to Folder would open another window to continue the action - does the window appear? Is this window perhaps off screen/on another screen? The program would wait for the action to be finished in those new windows (Export selection for the Menu>Export option or Folder selection for Move) and therefor might be inactive until that is finished.
You can try using Switch task (Alt Tab) to move to that window or changing your display resolution to force all windows to come back to the default screen when this happens and see if that helps.