Unwanted Operations Notification Cannot create folder “Contacts” due to the following Server InternalServerError

When ever I start emClient I get the operations notification below

“[CardDAV] Creating or updating folder ‘/Contacts’ failed due to the following error: Cannot create folder “Contacts” due to the following error(s): Server Error (InternalServerError).
Will attempt to create folder on next synchronization.”

I have stopped it from being displayed but would now like to turn it off completely. Any suggestions as to how to accomplish this.

[CardDAV] Creating or updating folder ‘/Contacts’ failed due to the following error: Cannot create folder “Contacts” due to the following error(s): Server Error (InternalServerError

I see back in 2022 you also had that exact error. Has that been a problem all that time ? (as I didn’t see in that post that it was ever resolved), or did it just start happening again ?

Internal server error is “probably related to the mail server end” but couldn’t be a problem all that time. Could be they might have new CardDAV settings.

What server are you with ? and what CardDAV address do you have in your accounts setup ?

First thanks for responding. This issue just started again when I tried to find a contacts list. I remember that previous problem; someone responded to my post with a solution but I could not find it. Sorry I don’t know the answer to your questions.

Go to “Menu / Accounts”. Then click on your mail account on the left, and “along the top” you should see a CardDAV tab with a url address. What does that say ?

Also when you click “Contacts” at the bottom left of eM Client what mail account is showing your contacts ?

Also do you have more than one account contacts selected in the contacts tab ?