Synchronise at startup option missing in settings & Mail Washer not working

emClient version 10.0.3125. Why is the synchronise at startup option checkbox missing in the General settings dialog?

And further, why is emClient downloading messages at all if the periodic synchronise option is not checked on? It’s periodically checking. [I am tryinmg to use MailWasher, hence this line of enquiry.]

emClient version 10.0.3125. Why is the synchronise at startup option checkbox missing in the General settings dialog?

That’s strange you don’t see that.

Could be your eg: OS Screen res might have possibly changed to a lower res so it’s then not showing the Synchronise settings in the General Tab & you might then need to scroll down to see it.

What about “Operations Window” options further down ? Do you see that or is that also missing.

Can you do a screenshot of your General Settings.

why is emClient downloading messages at all if the periodic synchronise option is not checked on.

If you have an IMAP, Exchange, Office 365 or iCloud (Non POP) account, you can’t control when messages arrive due to the nature of these type of accounts.

They are automatically updated in your client “normally within a few seconds” of arriving in your online mailbox with the exception of Exchange which can take up to approx a minute to arrive.

@cyberzork My screen is a 5K 34 inch. Running at full 5K.

Operations window I have and that works fine.

Correct me if I am wrong, but re what you have said about IMAP, that means MailWasher can’t work, is that right? Sorry to introduce a cross product point here, but it is the combo of emClient and Mailwasher that is not working, and the reason I have asked this question. Always hard to get support when there are two independent parties involved,

General settings:

My screen is a 5K 34 inch. Running at full 5K.

Operations window I have and that works fine.

Ok I will dblcheck my own V10 on PC & Mac again when I get back home later. I was sure the Synchonise on startup was there even in the V10 Beta. Could be a bug, unless it’s now been intentionally removed or moved.

Correct me if I am wrong, but re what you have said about IMAP, that means MailWasher can’t work, is that right? Sorry to introduce a cross product point here, but it is the combo of emClient and Mailwasher that is not working, and the reason I have asked this question. Always hard to get support when there are two independent parties involved

I can only state how IMAP mailboxes work with mail clients directly.

I don’t use Mail washer personally, but “there are other users on the forum who do” that might be able to assist you with using it with IMAP accts.

You can also ask on the MailWasher Community Forum if you haven’t already via the following link.

Or if you have a paid MailWasher Pro subscription, you can also contact them via their email address [email protected]

Note:- Ive updated the thread post title to also include MailWasher.

I dblchecked my Settings / General section of eM Client V10.0.3125 on PC and Mac and yes the “Synchronise items on startup” is also missing from mine as well.

I also reinstalled a previous older test version eM Client V10.0.2934 and “that also appears is no longer there”. So seems like it hasn’t been there for sometime. @Gary was this intentionally removed in V10 ? Or is it a bug and it should be there.


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The reason I wanted this is so that I could use Mailwasher pro with emClient, but since we have no control over the IMAP then, that program is useless, as spam was getting through before Mailwasher could deal with it. I got a refund. Mailwasher does not make it apparent that you can’t use it properly with IMAP servers, not that I could see anyway.