Rule to run external application/script with argument placeholders

Don’t get me wrong, I have a love hate relationship with eMClient it does so many things well and hat’s off to the developers for building some great features. What pains me is the complete lack of automation support.

I know this would not be difficult so please, please, please can a feature be added to the rules that allows an external program to be called at the very least. The icing on the cake would be to be able to pass the email and subject that triggered the rule as command line argument variables. IMHO, this would make a great tool hugely more valuable by being able to interface/integrate with other great tools or custom software. I really hope the devlopers are listening to this feature category and maybe able to add this at some point.

Similar request that seems to have lost any focus 10+ years ago!
Allow custom rules to run external programs.

Outlook, Mozilla, etc have all been able to do this.

Fingers crossed others feel the same way and will support this feature request :slight_smile:

[Dev’s] Keep up the great work!

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I, too, am yearning for this feature. There are a few external programs I want to send certain emails to for processing.