I received an email from a friend, as you can see in the picture, a photo with an FFP2 mask. He sent it via the Gmail app on Android, presumably simply integrated the image and it could be in HTML.
Unfortunately in eM Client you cannot disable the preview of attached images.
Even if you view messages as plain text (where embedded images are hidden), attached images still display as previews below the message body as in your screenshot.
I was looking for the exact same thing… in my opinion it is annoying to have images inside the email instead of having a proper attachment. Not to speak about when you have text and a picture or two… at least a simple setting where you can switch it off. Otherwise I like emclient.
it is really a pity that the images (As attachment) in the inbox or
Outbox are displayed in the email text of the message.
I mention here 2 important reasons that an image as an attachment is better not displayed in the text of the
email text. (I am not talking about images in HTML text.)
1.) There can be confidential images (technical drawings for example), which I don´t want
somebody see them by random
2.) Or a secret picture of a machine that is being newly developed.
That would be really great, if in an update the pictures remain as attachment.
Best regards Andy
A possible solution for you, since the programmers don’t seem to be interested in even offering a way to delete emails without displaying whatever images / links they have. Thus, I hold no hope for images as attachments. Is to have your senders use https://send.tresorit.com/ . Just tell them to send you links to the images, not the images themselves. That will keep them undercover.