Order of messages in conversations

This is also of concern to me.

It would be a stupid thing to tell you guys “just implement what is being requested”

I realize you have a lot of requests as well as your own roadmap of what features will be implemented.

However, it seems to me that one of the most basic things that most email clients out there allow you to do…

  1. Sort conversations in the order the user wants to read them. For me, the newest message on top and older messages on bottom. This does not seem to be the case here.

  2. Email directional delete. Been mentioning this many times. On the message list pane, user should have the option of choosing the direction of the next message (older or newer) when deleting a message.

This is kind of basic stuff.

And what irks me about the fact these basic user options are not included, is that eM Client is a stellar piece of email software. It seems like the developer(s) are diligently working to continually improve and add features with every update. However, a lot of these requests for more “user-defined” features go back several years which sort of tells me that the developer(s) are just not interested in developing them or somehow can’t code the options into their software.

Conversation view is a “biggie” here. Email directional delete is lesser so, but still an important option that would make using this software so much easier.

I hope the developer(s) will finally take these requests into consideration given that they have been mentioned time and time again over the past few years.

You guys are doing an incredible job. Just pushing to align your client with what others already offer and are preventing some people from committing to an eM Client license because these features are not yet included.

Thank you as always!


Dear eM Client,

This is your most viewed Feature Request with over 3.9k views and nothing has been done since the original feature request was posted in 2017!

It just so frustrating I have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of a conversation just to read the most recent e-mail in the conversation, every single time.

Please fix this, thank you,

Geert (Paying happy eM Client customer)

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Nearly 6 years have passed since the OP, and this feature has not been implemented. Why? In more than 20 email platforms I have tried in the past the order of email conversations is new to old by default. Some platforms allow you to change it the other way around. Don’t you think there is a reason why most platforms out there have the conversation order from new to old instead of your default non-changeable conversation order older to new? Missing this feature is a deal breaker. This email client is superb in every aspect except for this conversation order. Moreover, this non-changeable conversation order is a deal breaker I was about to buy the lifetime deal and something told me to wait. This app is superior to every third party email client I have tried in the past. However, I won’t pay for the license if the conversation order feature option has not been implemented by the end of my trial.

It was a misunderstanding on my part in my original post. I did not realize that the conversation is displayed in the order you read the messages, so oldest at the top. That is the natural reading order as you read from top to bottom.

Fortunately in more recent versions, for those who want to see the order differently, we have also included the threaded view in the message list (for Pro license users), and that displays the conversation components with newest at the top.

Hi Gary,

Thanks for responding. However, I have a pro license and am on the latest version. Yet, my conversations are still showing oldest mails on top. I also looked for any settings that would change that. Am I missing something?


In the message list, if you have your messages sorted with newest at the bottom, the thread for a conversation will be the same; newest at the bottom. If you sort your messages with newest at the top, the thread will be the same; newest at the top.

But in the message preview, it is always newest at the bottom because that is the natural reading order. You can’t change the order in the message preview.

OK, I think you, as the original poster of the feature request, talk about the same thing. Namely that in the message preview the order of the conversation is reversed if you have your mails sorted with newest at the top. And that there is currently no way of changing the order in the conversation preview, nor to have it expanded by default.

I made a quick illustration to make the point clear (hopefully). And fact remains, is that after nearly 6 years we’re still discussing and there seems no effort in settling the matter from the eM team.


But in the message preview, it is always newest at the bottom because that is the natural reading order. You can’t change the order in the message preview

Re: You carnt change the reading order in the message preview.

Sounds like there is alot of users who do want this feature.(newest at the top) in the preview pane for Conversation view. Hopefully eM Client can implement that as an option in Settings in the future.

Ps I personally do like the latest messages at the top for my reading order in the Preview Pane.

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can you add option for non natural reading order in the message preview.

Ha! Doing a trial of eM Client and I’ve made my own post about this.

Just found this post here where people have been bitching about it since 2017 and they still haven’t addressed it for SIX YEARS!

Amazing email client! Backwards conversation view makes it unusable… I’m done.

I’m giving up. If you don’t backwards conversations in eM Client, use another program, they are never (ever) going to change it.

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Thank you for your prompt response. I found the option. I have attached a screenshot for others looking for the same thing. EmClient has the option to see conversations from the most recent to the oldest. These are the steps: Menu> View> Conversations> Disable Conversations. That will do the trick. I highly recommend closing this forum thread as resolved. This post is highly confusing. You were about to lose a customer because of this confusing form thread. If that happened to me, I am sure you are losing customers daily because of this. Use this message to close the thread as resolved. If you decide to answer instead, please do not post a message just saying the options are there. Post a detailed message on how to do it, and close the thread. I know that I am being kinda of a ****. Believe me, I am doing this because I really like the emClient and I want this company to keep supporting this app by getting the most customers that you can get.

The problem is, with conversations off you can’t see your reply as the latest message.

There is just a line at the top that says you’ve replied.

My reply should be the latest message visible on top; it reassures me that I don’t need to reply.

Is there a way to see your reply as the latest message with conversations turned off?


I completely agree with detroitechno, you cannot see your reply if you turn off conversations. emClient please address this issue. So many of us want this feature.(newest at the top) in the preview pane for Conversation view.


Your reply will be in the sent folder, like any other major email client out there. Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, ProtonMail, and every other email client, they will put your emailed message in the sent folder. Why do I want to see my own reply instantly?

I know what I sent. No need for me to see it instantly. Once the recipient responds, emClinet will allow me to see my reply in the email thread. Like any other email client. Why do I want to view my newly sent message immediately?

In fact, that is quite annoying.

My university does this. I cannot think of a reason why a system will remind me of what I have just sent and put that reminder in my inbox. Besides my DIY college email system, I do not know of any other system that wants to implement “seeing the most recent sent message right away” in my inbox.

I certainly do not want that feature implemented in emClient, or any other email client for that matter.

I’m wrong, you’re right. This is the way eM Client works, everyone complaining about this stuff for 6 years should accept that or use something else. They are never going to change it. They are right and you are wrong.

I’ve given up on eM Client and I’m using Mailspring.

My latest reply is on top. Conversations are folded up at the bottom. It’s an email client for freaks who prefer it like this.

It is frustrating to me because eM Client is perfect in every other way. I was planning to pay for the premium version. I’d be happy to pay for eM Client but conversation view is backwards and I need to see my reply if I’m not going to use conversation view. It’s a dealbreaker.

Like many other people, I keep checking back here to see if there are any statements made by developers but this thread has dragged on for 6 years and I can’t imagine that they will listen to me if they haven’t listed to the other people over the last 6 years.

I’m just going to unfollow this and respect that this is how eM Client works and use something else.

Hey, is this emClient team having official explanation why this so stupid and easy feature is missing? Prepared to do refund of premium account because of this small but big issue, is it possible 6 years later, this cant be solved?


It is not a bug, but a misunderstanding of how conversations are displayed.

See my comments above.

@Gary One reason i agree to have an option “to reverse the natural order of the preview pane” via a settings option, is that if you have eg: 10+ or more messages in the conversation “you don’t see the contents of the latest message straight away in the preview pane” and have to scroll down sometimes a fair way to see the latest message. So the natural reading order doesn’t work in this scenario.

If you are mean’t to see the latest message straight away, then i don’t seem to get that to work ?

Yes you can press the bold eg: 12> “near the end of the Subject” to open the conversation and view the latest dated message in the conversation, but thats more steps to do it that way.

So if there was a setting to reverse the date order of the preview pane when in conversation view, “then you would always see the latest conversation message in the preview pane straight away at the top” no matter how many messages were in the conversation.

Note:- This would also be particularly useful when you have computers which are not 4K resolution capable and don’t see many messages at a time. So for Full HD or or even 2K Res, lots of preview pane scrolling just to see the latest message if you have eg: 20-30 messages in the conversation.


Must have been a bug with the Preview Pane, as all of a sudden after closing and opening the latest eM Client for Mac many times, the latest message in the conversation did finally automatically appear in the preview pane, “when i clicked the subject” so didn’t have to scroll down as in my previous message.

However i would still prefer as mentioned to have the latest message at the top of the preview pane as seems more logical to me as others also do in this conversation. Hopefully in a future update.

Hey there, I experience the same problem. I use even the PRO version. But I can’t find an option to have both: conversation view PLUS sorted from newest to oldest. Currently it is sorted from oldest to newest.
As far as I read the thread there is still no option…am I right?! If so it is really a shame. Wonder why the programmers can’t add that function.