Order of messages in conversations

The problem is, with conversations off you can’t see your reply as the latest message.

There is just a line at the top that says you’ve replied.

My reply should be the latest message visible on top; it reassures me that I don’t need to reply.

Is there a way to see your reply as the latest message with conversations turned off?


I completely agree with detroitechno, you cannot see your reply if you turn off conversations. emClient please address this issue. So many of us want this feature.(newest at the top) in the preview pane for Conversation view.


Your reply will be in the sent folder, like any other major email client out there. Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, ProtonMail, and every other email client, they will put your emailed message in the sent folder. Why do I want to see my own reply instantly?

I know what I sent. No need for me to see it instantly. Once the recipient responds, emClinet will allow me to see my reply in the email thread. Like any other email client. Why do I want to view my newly sent message immediately?

In fact, that is quite annoying.

My university does this. I cannot think of a reason why a system will remind me of what I have just sent and put that reminder in my inbox. Besides my DIY college email system, I do not know of any other system that wants to implement “seeing the most recent sent message right away” in my inbox.

I certainly do not want that feature implemented in emClient, or any other email client for that matter.

I’m wrong, you’re right. This is the way eM Client works, everyone complaining about this stuff for 6 years should accept that or use something else. They are never going to change it. They are right and you are wrong.

I’ve given up on eM Client and I’m using Mailspring.

My latest reply is on top. Conversations are folded up at the bottom. It’s an email client for freaks who prefer it like this.

It is frustrating to me because eM Client is perfect in every other way. I was planning to pay for the premium version. I’d be happy to pay for eM Client but conversation view is backwards and I need to see my reply if I’m not going to use conversation view. It’s a dealbreaker.

Like many other people, I keep checking back here to see if there are any statements made by developers but this thread has dragged on for 6 years and I can’t imagine that they will listen to me if they haven’t listed to the other people over the last 6 years.

I’m just going to unfollow this and respect that this is how eM Client works and use something else.

Hey, is this emClient team having official explanation why this so stupid and easy feature is missing? Prepared to do refund of premium account because of this small but big issue, is it possible 6 years later, this cant be solved?


It is not a bug, but a misunderstanding of how conversations are displayed.

See my comments above.

@Gary One reason i agree to have an option “to reverse the natural order of the preview pane” via a settings option, is that if you have eg: 10+ or more messages in the conversation “you don’t see the contents of the latest message straight away in the preview pane” and have to scroll down sometimes a fair way to see the latest message. So the natural reading order doesn’t work in this scenario.

If you are mean’t to see the latest message straight away, then i don’t seem to get that to work ?

Yes you can press the bold eg: 12> “near the end of the Subject” to open the conversation and view the latest dated message in the conversation, but thats more steps to do it that way.

So if there was a setting to reverse the date order of the preview pane when in conversation view, “then you would always see the latest conversation message in the preview pane straight away at the top” no matter how many messages were in the conversation.

Note:- This would also be particularly useful when you have computers which are not 4K resolution capable and don’t see many messages at a time. So for Full HD or or even 2K Res, lots of preview pane scrolling just to see the latest message if you have eg: 20-30 messages in the conversation.


Must have been a bug with the Preview Pane, as all of a sudden after closing and opening the latest eM Client for Mac many times, the latest message in the conversation did finally automatically appear in the preview pane, “when i clicked the subject” so didn’t have to scroll down as in my previous message.

However i would still prefer as mentioned to have the latest message at the top of the preview pane as seems more logical to me as others also do in this conversation. Hopefully in a future update.

Hey there, I experience the same problem. I use even the PRO version. But I can’t find an option to have both: conversation view PLUS sorted from newest to oldest. Currently it is sorted from oldest to newest.
As far as I read the thread there is still no option…am I right?! If so it is really a shame. Wonder why the programmers can’t add that function.

Hello, I just downloaded em client and have the same compliant. Please listen to all the users and kindly implement this feature as the software is otherwise great and just a small tweak will make many users happy.

I’m not sure if there’s a universal best practice, but for me newest message on top feels way more natural.

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Yes, that is exactly what we do. In the message list, the thread has newest on top.

However, in the reading pane, we display the messages in reading order, so newest at the bottom, because you read top to bottom. And the oldest unread message will always be the one in focus, so you don’t need to do any scrolling to continue reading the conversation. When a new message arrives in the conversation, or you later go back to a conversation you have already read, you just continue from where you left off.

We all speak about the order of messages in the reading pane.
I don’t understand this resistance, why not add option to reading pane to asc/dsc for message sorting and whole conversation will finish.
Just add this as one of updates.

Nothing needs to be changed if you want to read bottom to top.

Go to the reading pane. You will either be in oldest unread message, or the last message if you have already read them all, then just read upwards, the same as if you would read any page from bottom to top.

but we want to read top to bottom. I know that is strange maybe but why fighting that with clients, just add reverse order and people will decide what way they like it more.

For the test I made screen shoot of three mails in conversation, and you can see the difference between em client and outlook message order in the reading pane.

In outlook that is working as I want (unnatural way)

In em client that is like this (natural way)


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Yes, and that is EXACTLY how the messages appear in the preview pane - top to bottom. It is the natural reading order, so you start at the top, and move down the messages displayed there. So you read message 1, then progress to 2, then finally to 3.


In the other screenshot you provided, you need to read 1, then scroll up to the beginning of 2 and read down, then scroll up to the beginning of 3 and read down. That is not a natural reading order.

You’re totally not getting the point. The whole thread people are asking/begging for non-natural reading order. The reason is simple: You want the latests mail on top of your conversations. Because when you have read all the messages and know the content in the conversations before, you don’t want to scroll all the way to the bottom of the list each and every time just the read the latest email.

There is a Chromo extension to reverse the order in Gmail. People love it! Why eM Client can’t do the same??? It’s easy to implement!

But I realise now, we’re in the Frequently Asked Questions section here. I’ll make a proper request in the “Feature Request” section and hopefully, hopefully it will get the needed attention by the eM Client team…

Have a nice day,

You don’t need to. We open the preview at the oldest unread message, so you can continue reading. If all the messages are read, we open the last message received. NO scrolling required.

And if you want to see them in reverse order, we provide that in the message list. Just click on the arrow in the thread count indicator to expand the thread. There you will see the messages listed with newest at the top.

you are explaining us as we have :exploding_head: and don’t understand that em client shows unread/last message received in preview pane and if we want to see them in reverse order, we can do that in message pane.
We understand that but we want reverse order in preview pane and like it is in outlook or maybe everyone who use outlook have not natural brain :slight_smile:

This is why I say why fighting people, just implement such option so we can enable/disable or write we will never implement that because you have :face_with_head_bandage:

For everyone who would like having reversed message order in conversation, please go upvote these:

Change order of conversation | Mail | eM Client (Change order of conversation)
Expand All Messages in Conversation | Mail | eM Client (Expand All Message in Conversation)

Let’s send it to the top of their list :wink:

@eMClient Thanks for giving us such a great mail client!
