No updates or notifications from subfolders?

hi. as this is kind of the oldest thread on that topic i’ll post here to add my “voice to the chorus of disapproval” as you have phrased it so nicely in your post concerning v8 here . unfortunately also no solution for the problem came out in your own thread “version-8-does-not-show-new-mail-in-folders/64186/13” .

so, as a potential customer of the pro license i emailed to the official eM support today (see my mention of it in thread “copied-text-from-e-mail-unable-to-paste-elsewhere-in-the-system-mac/48559/6”), and the reply was quick: “Unfortunately because you don’t have a subscription to VIP Support, we cannot answer your questions here. Please post them on the Forum […]”.

well, i was disappointed and replied the following:
"thanks for your fast feedback. unfortunately the content is not satisfactory. i only might become a paying pro customer, if i had a prospect of getting a basic working email client for work which means - concerning imap - new-mail-notification for shared imap folders as well as an imap account’s subfolders with unread mail inside.

if you had checked the links from the board, users don’t get a solution for the problem for years from other users (offline reading is no solution), and eM staff don’t state anything substantial like if the problem wil be tackled or not.

to be honest, i’m not willing to pay for a software not being capable of basic imap functionality - and no copy-text-capability from the “preview window”, another ridiculous problem i discovered this morning and reported in the board:
copied text from e-mail unable to paste elsewhere in the system (mac) - #6 by lyrabee

it’s a pity that you don’t get help as a potential customer but only as a paying customer. if i was paying “vip” what would your answer be? “this feature of new-mail-notification for shared imap folders will not be tackled”?

sad; seems i’ll have to stay either with thunderbird or use apple mail app…


again i got a quick reply, this time saying “Sorry, but you will need to purchase a Pro License and have a VIP Support subscription to get assistance here. I have seen you post on the forum just now, and hopefully someone will be able to help you there.”

so i wonder if any pro licensee here was willing to contact the “vip” support via email to [email protected] and ask for all of us, if the feature of new-mail-notification for shared imap folders as well as an imap account’s subfolders with unread mail inside will be implemented in further updates of v8? or has maybe someone done that lately and i just read over it somewhere?

thanks a lot :slight_smile:


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