Make a feature to easily format quoted text in an e-mail

Sorry, don’t understand. In emClient I can’t see possibility to add _blockquote _tag to a selected text. A text is marked as Quote only when I click Reply. But copy pasting text from a quote to a message text (to write an answer below it) leads to loosing this quote tag.
Idea here is not to explicitly provide special formatting for quotes, but maybe allow to save text format and quickly apply it to a selected text. At least, in Gmail I have a shortcut (Ctrl-Shift-9) to mark selected text as a quote.
eM Client has message templates, why not to have format templates? Like improved format painter, for example.

One feature I miss a lot that I had in the now-unusable Eudora email program: A dedicated keystroke that would insert text from the clipboard as a quote. It would appear indented and with a vertical bar in the margin. Or you could tell Eudora instead to wrap the text at a specific number of characters and insert right-facing angle brackets to the left of each quoted line.

The way the quoted text was formatted never caused a problem that I know of.

As I recall, that kind of keyboard shortcut feature is also available in Outlook.

For now my workaround in eM Client is to reply to a message and then remove the parts of the quoted text I don’t want to include. This can be a bit tricky because sometimes there’s a stray vertical bar remaining in the left margin that I cannot figure out how to delete. A “paste as quoted text” keystroke would be way better. It’s a shame that eM Client does not have such a feature. It can be extremely useful and a great time-saver.

Sorry Eugene, I misread your post. Yes, I agree with both you and Mike and added my vote to this thread.

That feature is also available in Thunderbird to paste any text as a quote (Ctrl + Shift + O).

Great, Gary, thank you! Yes, all (almost) other clients have this feature. But the main thing is that eM Client seems to be better than competitors in all other fields (like design, conversation view, searching, quick answers, etc.).
For example, in Mailbird there is inline quote feature, when you insert a quote, hit enter and program automatically changes font for writing a comment on that quote. But I don’t like it, because instead of changing quote formatting, it changes formatting of my message text, which leads to 3 different text format styles in a message (main text, quote, quote comment).

Dear developers, hope these comments will help to implement this feature faster. Underlining: we’d like to get “Paste as quote” function using predefined formatting style.

I’m almost tempted to resurrect an old Perl scripting experiment in which I’d run a script that operates on text in the clipboard, wrapping the lines to some specified width (breaking them correctly at spaces or hyphens) and inserting angle-bracket characters at the start of each line. The result was a Eudora-like “quotation.” Wonder where I parked that script. Wonder if I have enough brain cells left to remember how to write code in the first place. That be an impossible dream. :slight_smile: Might be better to do it as a macro in my text editor.

Any of the usual approaches to this would be fine, just please do something!  Paste as Quote, a button to turn text into a quote, anything.

Ironically, this posting form has a format as quote button…



I even tried editing the source but it wasn’t reliable (not to mention a pain in the butt).


Actually, it looks like you can hack it from the Edit Source if you’re willing to…not exactly user friendly, but if you do this you’ll get a quote:

> hi there


Apologies for the revival, but I didn’t want to start a new thread when there was one already talking about this.

Is any quotes feature in the works? I really like eM Client thus far, but the lack of quotes really hurts.

I’m still interested in this feature!


I also would highly appreciate this feature!!

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I’ll add another vote for this feature. In the meantime, the following steps will give you a block quote that will be correctly interpreted by any email client that reads HTML which, at this point, should be all of them!

  1. Type or paste at least a portion of the text you want quoted in the body of the email. This will be used as a reference for the next step.
  2. Right-click on the body of the message and select “edit source”.
  3. Find the text you want quoted in the source and put, minus the asterisk, <*blockquote> before the first word of the text and </*blockquote> after the last word of the text.

That it! Different email clients may have their own way of formatting the text (bar line at the left, different color background behind the text) but they will all recognize it as a block quote. Please note, you need to remove the asterisk (*) from each HTML tag. I couldn’t think of a way to quote the HTML in this forum without actually creating a block quote!

This is a feature that really should already be here by now. A button in the menu bar that inserts the block quote HTML tags should be very simple to implement. Can’t imagine why it hasn’t already been done. It’s pretty much a standard feature in all email clients and text editors by now.

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It is INSANE that in 2022, EIGHT WHOLE YEARS after a request was made, there is still no “Paste as Quote” option

Even more insane is that I can do this in this forum page:

Revive this topic?

The last reply to this topic was 7 months ago. Your reply will bump the topic to the top of its list and notify anyone previously involved in the conversation.

Are you sure you want to continue this old conversation?

Yes, I would like to revive this old conversation, so that the app is improved to do this ^^

I’m sorry but I seem to be missing something. I paste block quotes all the time with just an extra click. Paste produces this screen and I select the quote symbol. Then whatever email program the recipient has, will interpret the block quote as they are setup. Are you talking about something else? If so what? Here’s what I get when I paste text.


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OK, so it IS there - dumb that it is not alongside Paste and Paste As Text. It adds an unnecessary extra step, and there should be consistency - internally and with other applications - and I have never seen paste-as-quote done this way before

When I search for “quote” in the help nothing comes up and when I search the community forum for quote the first relevant listing is this thread - so it isn’t like this behaviour is obvious

You can add the “Paste” icon on the Toolbar as @steveshank example above via the “Customize” option (at the end of the toolbar).

Ps I don’t personally don’t think this 2 step option (Paste as Quote) is a problem as like similar to when you “Paste and Image” in eM Client, if you eg: want to resize and image after pasting, you first paste the image and then click the image to give you all the size (Small / Medium or Large) options.

What about situations when there user A sends message,
user B replies,
user A replies,
user B replies again
and so on.
This is mess.

Apple Mail on macOS
Is there something I’m doing wrong?

Example 2:
eM client on Windows

Very disappointed/baffled to see there is no quoting ability in eM Client, as I trial it.

Having to use paste as quote is not great, because what if you aren’t pasting something? You have to type it, copy it, paste it, then change the pasting type.

And some people use quote formatting to just make text stand out. Clicking “quote” is a standard way to do this.

I personally find the paste as quote feature workaround does not work anyway - it just pastes the text as normal.

What’s more, apparently quotes don’t show in conversation view as well. You get 3 dots you have to click to expand a quote. - Block Quotes hidden - Mail - eM Client

This is a really strange design choice, and will undoubtedly cause readers of e-mails to miss things. Because why would I the receiver of an e-mail expect to have to expand something to see the content?

Further, why would I the sender of en e-mail expect the receiver not to see all the content I send easily?


This is a ‘feature’ that has been severly lacking in the app