Mail will not go with Tsohost host - NOT MS Outlook

Cannot send mail when connecting to my Tsohost cPanel server. I can send to the same account from Thunderbird on the same Windows PC, also from an Android client, although it takes a long time for the mail to go. An excerpt from an eM Client SMTP log (others are similar):-

SMTP S: 250 Accepted
22:25:01.251|021| SMTP C: DATA
22:25:01.300|021| SMTP S: 354 Enter message, ending with “.” on a line by itself
22:25:01.302|021| SMTP C:
22:25:01.302|021| SMTP C: .
The next line after that, the server identifies itself again. After one more try it gives up with:-
“Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond…”

This has been an intermittent problem for a few days. Now it is all the time, which is why I installed Thunderbird to give the user a way to send mail. I wonder if it is just timing out quicker than the other clients do. Testing the account configuration, it shows as OK.

Oddly, eM Client still works on another machine, with another account on the same server and as far as I can see the exact same setup. Tsohost say the problem is with eM Client.

Oddly, eM Client still works on another machine, with another account on the same server and as far as I can see the exact same setup. Tsohost say the problem is with eM Client.

As eM Client works with another account using the same server with the same setup and same eM Client version, then doesn’t sound like an eM Client issue.

So if the other account is using the same SMTP server and port setting etc, then could be something to do with “your current physical connection your are using” causing some sort of delay. So if you are on a Lan might be that point.

To rule that out, “if you can” plugin this computer with the SMTP problem into that other connection if it’s in the same room or building and see if you still get the same problem.

If it then does work, you know the original connection / point is the problem.

However If it still doesn’t work over there on the other connection “with the identical SMTP setup” and you have already tried removing and re-adding the account & reinstalling the program etc, then might be an optional type program installed possibly delaying it.

Programs such as eg: Optional VPNs, Optional Firewall / Security programs or Optional Antivirus programs can sometimes cause delays or have been know to interfere with eM Client. So if you have any of those installed on this computer, try completely disabling those to test.

Thanks for comments. eM Client on my other machine has now stopped working with the same server (different account) so it does seem to be an interaction between eM Client and this server. I can still send mail with both Thunderbird and my Android client although it took 30 seconds for a one-word email to be accepted just now. Updating eM Client made no difference.
There is no firewall or AV on the PCs apart from standard Windows 10 setup. Anything imposed by my ISP BT and their router is of course common to all the mail clients I’ve been using.
I wonder if there are any others using eM Client with Tsohost cPanel hosting.

viernes 10 febrero 2023 :: 1522hrs (UTC +0100)

can not specifically answer your question but I do know that a colleague in UK with tsoHost & BT ISP had big intermittent problems in November 2022 that became so bad that he dropped tsoHost in January 2023.
Unfortunately he went on 3 weeks leave Tuesday so I can not ask him for more detail, though I do know he was not using eMC.
Perhaps would be an idea to contact tsoHost - I just did a search and I do think it worthwhile.

Sorry I can not help more.

¡Buena suerte!

¡Saludos desde Valencia la soleada en España!


[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.


eM Client on my other machine has now stopped working with the same server (different account)

I can still send mail with both Thunderbird and my Android client although it took 30 seconds for a one-word email to be accepted just now.

As it took 30secs for a one word mail email to be accepted & sent in Thunderbird & on your Android client, and your other computer with eM Client (that was sending ok) has now also stopped sending mail, then that definitely sounds like the problem is SMTP server related and agree with @skybat that you need to contact Tsohost support.

Let them know as you say a one word email took 30secs to send. Mail clients on desktops normally won’t send email if you are getting that sort of SMTP server initial delay. You have to find what’s causing the delay.

That would explain why in eM Client you are getting the connection error you advised previously at the top of this post - “A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond”.

Tsohost server has speeded up this evening and eM Client has started working with it again. So it seems little doubt that it is just timing out. Why not a longer timeout? This is the internet, you can never be sure what the connection is going to be like.

Tsohost are not interested. So long as their webmail works they say it is OK and the fault must be with the client. When I complained that incoming email was sometimes taking an hour to get through their systems they told me that I should move to their “professional” service. I presume that means a dedicated server. Obviously I will move to another hosting company rather than do that but for various reasons it is quite a big job to do so. Anyway I have moved so many times only to find that a good host goes bad after a few years. Tsohost were very good when I moved to them.

Tsohost server has speeded up this evening and eM Client has started working with it again.

So sounds like either their was some kind of Tsohost server outage which has now resolved itself, or you’re on a shared (slow server) or they just don’t have enough bandwidth to cope with the amount of users they have signed up.

I have moved so many times only to find that a good host goes bad after a few years. Tsohost were very good when I moved to them.

Unfortunately this happens alot, where many companies advertise all the bells and whistles for great prices, but don’t deliver. You then have to move servers which is a pain as you say.

From reading alot of reviews on Tsohost, there is many customers over the last year or so who have got delay in mail and web pages loading from Tsohost which would put me off them. One guy said he waited 40hours for mail to arrive.

Also a website reviewer claims that the shared servers on Tsohost are on (Non SSD drives) which makes it slow compared to other major server companies, and you have to get a Tsohost professional paid business plan with a (dedicated server) to get onto SSD drives and get better bandwidth and performance etc.

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sábado 11 febrero 2023 :: 0735hrs (UTC +0100)

To follow up, I ask our Tech people if they had any information about the move.
in fact it was them that had the contact with TsoHost, the colleague was on the
professional service after earlier complaints.
The bottom line was that TsoHost were simply not interest and whatever the fault,
it was always the fault of someone else.
However, what yo do or do not do is your choice.

¡Buena suerte!

¡Saludos desde Valencia la soleada en España!


[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

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Thanks Skybat for your useful comments.

It seems very likely that eM Client times out, while the other clients I’ve tried (Thunderbird, Aquamail and Roundcube webmail) are more patient. So why can’t eM Client just have a longer timeout? Ideally the timeout would be a user setting; I seem to remember in the past using mail clients where this was the case.

Meanwhile I have little choice but to change to another mail client, at least until I can change my hosting company which will not happen immediately.