Mail which takes a lot of time to load

I recieve mail from a sender which take extremely much to download in em (blue moving bar on top). I mentioned this before and got the reaction that I can send that mailmessage to em-client so the can take a look at it (in other mailclients this mailmessage is loading normal).

How do I do that?

I recieve mail from a sender which take extremely much to download in em (blue moving bar on top

See my post in the following thread on how you can speed up the reading & downloading mail process in V9 and V10 if you have an eg: IMAP or Exchange type account.

I mentioned this before and got the reaction that I can send that mail message to em-client so the can take a look at it (in other mail clients this mail message is loading normal.

If you have a current active paid Pro or Personal version, you can go to the following eM Client VIP support page and log in and lodge a support ticket where you can then attach whatever files for investigation there. An assigned engineer will then assist you.

Speed is in general ok except the mailmessages from one specific sender and only in Em.

The settings in Sync Options are already used by me.

I will upload the message like you wrote in Vip support.