Mail is displaying high ascii characters instead of text

I am seeing a lot of high ascii characters (what we used to call fruit salad) instead of the correct text. This is happening in what should be plain english messages.

domingo 21 agosto 2022 :: 1332hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hey @Festivali

I know Git can be strange sometimes, Have you tried viewing with webmail?

¡Buena suerte!

¡Saludos desde Valencia la soleada en España!


[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

It’s not Git, this is what your reply looked like in emClient

miércoles 24 agosto 2022 :: 0853hrs (UTC +01:00)


OK, so what does it look like in browser webmail? you did not answer this previously.
What is your OS?
What full version of eMC?

¡Buena suerte!

¡Saludos desde Sevilla la soleada en España!


[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Perfectly legible in gmail (thanks for the tip there, I can forward my mail to myself at read it in my browser, ugly, but something).

I’m using the latest auto update of emClient, which is why I date things 9.1.2109 (9967b93). I’m also using the latest Windows 11 Insider Update

Gracias por auyardme. No puedo practicar mi español a menudo.

Here’s an interesting thing. If I forward to gmail the message that is displaying some or all in high ascii when emClient brings it down, the text is magically readable.

miércoles 24 agosto 2022 :: 1729hrs (UTC +01:00)


Gracias por auyardme. No puedo practicar mi español a menudo.
OK, but your spelling is not quite correct. (you have u & y reversed)
Gracias por ayúardme (assuming you intended to write - thanks for helping me)
However I would write - Gracias por su ayuda

I have no idea what is causing the ascii issue.

The Swiss company is Fookes.

¡Buena suerte!

¡Saludos desde Sevilla la soleada en España!


[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Thanks for the note. I haven’t written anything in Spanish in eight years or more. I corrected the second sentence by checking with Google translate. Obviously Google’s Spanish is worse than mine (two years University of Melbourne, 3rd year was too daunting).

I’m hoping someone here will know what is going on, it’s only in part of some messages, but emClient is pretty unworkable right now so it’s a critical issue.

Yes, Fookes’ are great products. I couldn’t manage without NoteTab Pro.

Does anyone know what’s going on here? I’ve got a week’s mail or more messed up, including my birthday gift voucher from my sister.

domingo 28 agosto 2022 :: 1006hrs (UTC +01:00)


I have searched all I can think of about your ascii issue and have found nothing, also as there have been no suggestions on this Forum, if you have a Pro version raise a ticket with support.
Concerning your inability to correctly read mail in eMC you will need to do as you have done before forward to Gmail, as you have said this will relieve your critical issue

¡Buena suerte!

¡Saludos desde Valencia la soleada en España!


[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

They can’t answer the problem either, they think the only answer is that I’m running Windows insider, which might mean that everyone else will get the problem when the next Windows 11 update comes through.

The sample message that you sent displays correctly on both Windows 10 and Windows 11 official releases, so a possible cause is that you are using a beta OS.

It is also possible that the message provided by the server is corrupt, so repairing the message could indicate that. I guess as you did not mention this, there was no difference.

The same error occurs on other user’s computers, just not as many messages are affected. My housemate has the same problem running emC 9.0 and Windows 11 Home end-user release. I am running emC 9.1 and Windows 11 Home Insider release. Our systems are different except for a shared LAN and Google Chrome. All other hardware and software are different, even our malware apps.

If it helps, if I hit reply or forward the message in the new message is now legible, so it is something that happens to received read/unread messages in any folder/box. Some messages contain legible and illegible text, presumably the result of a mail/merge marketing send.

You did not say what the result was after the repair. Can you try that?
The instructions are in the email I sent you.

The last message I have from you is that it’s the Beta OS, which can’t be true as others have the problem as well.

Have you tried updating to Windows 11 (22H2) that was released recently?

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I run all the Insider releases automatically. The latest release as of 2022-09-27 is very buggy and my machine is crashing two-three times a day. emClient has returned to crashing out, so there are more problems. I have noticed that if I try an print to PDF (which I do with all file-worthy correspondence), that the high ASCII problem is there too. But I can read the messages if I select forward.???

Until the problem is fixed I’m stacking up work, and missing messages related to medical issues. Gary says he sent me a proposed fix, but I can’t find it in emClient by searching for ‘from emClient’.

What repair? I’m getting extremely stressed out by not being able to read/print to PDF messages.

viernes 14 octubre 2022 :: 1641hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hey @Festivali

Check the message sent to you by @Gary as stated in his post of September 10 he sent you instructions.

¡Buena suerte!

¡Saludos desde Sevilla la soleada en España!


[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

There is no message on ‘repairing’ emClient in my e-mail or in this inbox from Gary.