macOS importing files from .mbox

I have completed the migration from Apple Mail to eM Client, but not all old e-mails have been imported.
Now I want to import the individual .mbox mailboxes, but I get the error: “Please select an existing file”

Mailbox is correct
Full disk access for eM Client is granted.

What am I doing wrong?

The Apple version of mbox contains folders which is not supported.

Open the MBOX file in Finder and copy the mbox file inside it to another folder. Then import that file.

Thank you!
I tried to remove the first folder, same error.

What is expected here?

Each one of those folders will have an actual mbox file inside. You will need to import each one separately.

This is what it looks like, the messages and attachments are directly in the subfolder. I could create an .mbox folder and copy them all in. Would this work, does the assignment of the attachments remain?

It looks a little different. Maybe Apple changed something.

This previous topic may help: Unable to import nested mailboxes (.mbox)

Okay, I understand. :pray: