Unable to import nested mailboxes (.mbox)


Unable to import nested mailboxes (.mbox)

For example, I have a mailbox (folder) by name A and it has 2 sub mailboxes or folders B & C under it.

When I use the option File → Import → Mailboxes (.mbox) and try to import mailbox/folder A it only imports this and not B & C mailboxes/folders! This is causing major inconvenience.

Could you please provide an option to import nested mailboxes? Thanks

I don’t believe that the mbox file format supports folders. Rather each folder should have its own mbox file.

You will need to import each mbox file separately.

Thanks for your quick response. It certainly does in apple mail client.

I meant if I have created a mailbox in apple mail client with sub folders it will create 1 mailbox for folder in nested fashion and this can be exported and imported without any issues but same is not possible in eM client.

No, each folder will have its own mbox file. Unless Apple have some proprietary format that is not really mbox.

If you want to import messages from Apple Mail, in eM Client use File > Import > Mail. Then it is not necessary to import the individual mbox files.

No, each folder will have its own mbox file. Unless Apple have some proprietary format that is not really mbox.

  • No in Apple mail an entire mailbox with all the folders and email have a single mailbox exported, I just rechecked this. check the following snapshot. if I import this mbox it brings back all the folders (nested + emails the way it was)


If you want to import messages from Apple Mail, in eM Client use File > Import > Mail. Then it is not necessary to import the individual mbox files.

  • I am aware of this option…but what if it becomes necessary to import an mbox?

No, they are separate mbox files. So received.mbox, sent.mbox etc. You can’t have a single mbox file with folders. An mbox file is for a single folder only.

But you don’t need to import them that way, just use File > Import > Mail. It will import all the folders (or selected folders depending on your choice) from the Mail app.

If you want to import an mbox file, then there is an option for that. File > Import > Mailboxes. That is for importing a single mbox file.

I just imported the same mailbox in apple mail client and it looks like as follows


did you mean 1 root folder with all sub folders and email?

An mbox file is for a single folder only. There is no standard for it to include folders. If you want to import an mbox file, use File > Import > Mailboxes (mbox).

If you want to import the folder structure and its messages from Apple Mail, use File > Import > Mail. You can choose to import all or only some of the folders.

thanks for your quick response…