Latest app crashes (ios 18.3)

latest build shows splash screen (em logo) and then crashes…not able to get in at all

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Same here. Though I still get push notifications when emails come in, which is something.

What shall I say? Same on my iPhone 16

its not ideal but I uninstalled and then reinstalled and it opened ‘fine’ although the import via qr code didnt work even though it scanned the qr code…had to manually install and configure

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We are aware of the issue and working on it. Currently we are diagnosing it.


I have the same problem. Even a new installation does not help, as the QR code cannot be scanned.

Same here with iOS 18.3 and eM Client Version 10.2.1431.

We are working on a fix. Please give us some time. We are working on resolving this as soon as possible.


Having the same issue. When will fix be ready?

At least for me it starts again on the iPhone 14 Pro Max with the latest iOS after uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
However, I can no longer import accounts.
Neither via QR code nor via file…

Hope that gets fixed too!

Me too could get em-Client for IOS to work again by unsinstalling and reinstalling it.
And importing my email accounts one after the other via QR from em-Client for Mac did work as well. So it seems to work at least for some users.
All other settings I had to do manually.

And hurray, badges now work correctly

sadly the one thing I was hoping for is still not working. reliablw Snooze (on a google run domain)

On 4 different devices (3 Windows 11 (all 10.1.4588.0) and 1 iphone) I have different snoozed emails. Only 1 machine reflects the snoozes that I have set

I understand you guys are aware of the issue and working on a fix.

I also face this problem on an iPhone 11 Pro, with iOS 18.3. In case this information helps.

Thank you!

the update 10.2.1445 - just downloaded on ipad air 18.3 and same issue as the ipphone in my original post.

uninstalled and reinstalled and it works but the qr code import is mnot working either still

Same here em crashed, cant Open em Client iOS 18.3

Same here. Also on ios 18.3.

Unfortunately, the version 10.2.1445 released today does not fix the problem. :sleepy:

iPhone 16 Pro, iOS 18.3
iPad Air, iPadOS 18.3

If QR import does not work for you, can you try importing without blacklist?

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These works…

Yes, unchecking the blacklist option has allowed the import to work