I’ve just installed the latest update to the iOS app and I still can’t login or submit my details using the QR code.
If I deactivate the blacklist during import, then it works.
Just updated and it still crashes…tries to open the closes. PLEASE fix this ASAP
I’ve just installed the latest update on iPadOS 18.3 (iPad Pro 13“), Import with unchecked blacklist is working. Now I have another problem the left column with folders is correkt in light and dark mode but the middle (mail list) and the right (mail content) ist dimmed. No change with all accounts deleted.
Same thing here. Updated to 10.2.1445 today, and now the app crashes when trying to open. Ios 18.3
Hmm, I got it to work again, by deleting the app and install it again. However, now I got another problem. My app used to be in my native language (norwegian), now I don’t find a solution to change language (it’s in english now). How do i change that?
I can change language in the phone setings for the app, to e.g german, but not to norwegian anymore (at least it has no effect setting it to norwegian)
Maby you could revert to the previous working version while debugging? Using emClient for work mail and hate not to be able to read it on the phone…
Hopefully you are still working on another fix as it’s still not working. Any update?
Installed 10.2.1445 over previous version on iPad iOS 18.3 to no avail.
New verion now, 10.2.1465. Updated the app now, and it seems that everything is back on track again Even norwegian language.
Yes the new eM Client V10.2.1465 on iPhone OS 18.3 via the app store seems to work fine for me and no crashing in eM Client.
Im also using eM Client V10.2.1445 on iPad OS 18.3 and that is also working ok for me and no crashing in eM Client on 2 x M1 iPads.
Yes, the version 10.2.1465 should fix:
- crash on the start when there were some black list rules imported in the past
- import of the black lists
- missing languages
- dark content pane on some tablets
This release had a few issues, we are sorry for that, but it was a major update of the underlying framework, so there were A LOT of changes. The advantage is that it should run much smoother now and startup time should be much shorter.
Same issue on IPhone 18.3. Client 10.2.1445
I Hope there will be a fix soon, dont want to switch to any other email client…
You need 10.2.1465, not 10.2.1445.
Todays update fixes the problem for me. Thanks for the update.
Wasn‘t available until now. 10.2.1465 fixed the problem, thank you
Latest version works
All fixed now on my side as well!
Thanks for the support!
Been getting random crashes immediate after deleting a email in the iOS app since last update.
Does not crash every time though.