At the moment, the accounts are created in IMAP and it has to be that way because the client bought a professional eM Client just to have all his emails automatically backed up to a server. Everything comes from Locaweb.
If you only have one IMAP email account and don’t want eM Client to check for new messages after restoring a backup, then click “Menu / File / Work Offline”. Or after restoring a backup, close eM Client straight away and then hold the Ctrl key down and “while holding” open eM Client which will then ask if you want to work in Offline Mode.
However if you have more than one IMAP account and “only want to disable a specific account” but still want to receive mail to your other IMAP accounts, then you have three options.
1). You can either disable the specific IMAP account from receiving mail to the Inbox via following @Gary post below in the following thread. So then your other IMAP accounts will still receive. Can I disable mail retrieve - #3 by Gary
You can also disable the specific IMAP account Mail folder/s receiving via following @Gary post below in the following thread. IMAP folder subscription - #19 by Gary
2). Or “if you never want that specific IMAP account to ever receive mail again”, then you can alt eg: Create a folder in eM Client “Local Folders” at the bottom left called “Old Mail”, and then drag / move that specific IMAP account messages and message folders down under Old Mail. Then once everything is under Old Mail, then go to Menu / Accounts and remove that mail account.
3). Or if you have eM Client V10, you can go to “Menu / Data Files” and create a data file (.emdf) outside of eM Client which by default goes in your “Documents / eM Client” folder, where once created it will appear under your mail accounts. You can then drag that specific IMAP acct messages and message folders also into a folder called eg: Old Mail under that data file. Then once they are all under Old Mail, then go to Menu / Accounts and remove that mail account.
Note:- Before doing anything, make a manual backup of eM Client via “Menu / Backup” incase you need to restore for any reason. You can see when the backup is complete in Show Operations via clicking the dropdown on the right of Refresh top left.