How can I format the “Received” column?


Is it possible to customize the date/time format of the “Received” column?

Thanks for your help.


Are you on MS-Windows or a Mac? I’m on MS-Windows and my dates show in the standard numeric format from my MS-Windows settings, big to small, yyyyy-mm-dd.

I also found this old discussion that may help

What I am seeing:
date format


Yes, I use Windows 10 (eM Client 10.1.4417)

You can use this setting to display the complete date/time.

Menu ➜ Settings ➜ Mail ➜ Read ➜ Message List ➜ [:heavy_check_mark:] Show full Date

Thanks Andy, did you find a solution to your question?

I’d also like to show time in 24 hour clock. Interesting, em client is based in Czech Republic so I would expect display of date and time would be offered in ISO standard format in addition to how time and dates are commonly displayed in the USA.

That’s enough for me.
However, I don’t know how to give the date/time its own format. It would be desirable in any case.


For the message list, if you haven’t chosen to show full date, it is displayed like this:

Today’s messages have only the time. So 19:07
The rest of the current week’s messages have the day plus the time. So Mon 16:52
The rest of the current year have the day plus an abbreviated date. So Mon 20/2
Older have the full date. So 12/03/2022

In all views that date format is taken from your OS short date format. So whatever regional settings you have in the OS, you will see in eM Client.

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Maybe I’ll be sorry to mention this but the format that is being used in eM Client is bugging me.

I have, in the last 10 days migrated my em Client from a Windows 10 PC that has lost the ability to connect to the internet to a brand new Windows 11 PC. The Windows date formats on the old and new PCs are in the correct format for the UK and are set for “English (United Kingdom)”. The dates in eM Client on the old PC were also in the correct format namely: Wed, 20/01/2025 20:50

However, on the new PC, eM Client is displaying the same date as Wed, 20, 01, 2025 20:50

Not only do the commas offend me, the date takes up valuable column space with an extra space character between the day and month and between the month and year taking up valuable column space.

I have checked the Windows time settings and there is no problem with date display in Windows 10 or 11. However I have been unable to meaningfully change the format of any dates displayed in eM Client (version 10.1.4588 (f11e2ab)).

I note that all dates displayed in eM Client are rendered in the “erroneous” format, even those read from within the email header in all emails I’ve examined which are formatted thus: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 19:59:08 +0000. So eM Client is re-rendering the header date within the email. It’s even worse than that - the date displayed at the top of an email has the day name rendered twice (even those read from the archive): Sun Sun, 19, 01, 2025 17:33

All I really want though is the forward slashes restored. As an English senior citizen I find the comma displeasing/annoying. It’s what one is used to, so I hope you can help. The ideal would be to incorporate a means of styling dates within eM Client itself rather than suiting itself and maybe, if it feels like it, the system settings.

Peter Oates