How can I configure the date format of the received column?


Would like to have a time displayed as welll - similar to Thunderbird…

I would like to shorten the date format so it isn’t as wide, so I would like to figure this out as well.

The default setting is not very wide at all. Can’t think how to make it narrower, but if you could suggest an alternative I am sure that will be useful to the developers.

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YES PLEASE, need a quick reckoning rather than opening the mail

In the compact layout, which is the default for eM Client, the date and time is displayed for the past week. Earlier than that it is just the date.

I don’t want the message panel. I do not want to see junk messages before I delete them.

You can turn it off using Menu > View > Layout.

Ha ha ha ha, that is what I HAVE done. That is what my original question was for.
LOLROFLOL merry go round support answer. ROFLOL gen Y answer without reading or understanding. This has been the TROUBLE with eM since its inception.
I want to give it a go BUT its just not there…

What exactly is your question Jeremy. It is not clear from what you have written and I am not quite sure what a “quick reckoning” is!

quick reckoning - look it up
My question is the same as everyone on this thread.
With the message panel off, 

like #julian_t_muir asks:
“Would like to have a time displayed as welll - similar to Thunderbird…”

Read the thread man…

As I said, in the compact view, the time and day are displayed for the last week. Prior to that only the date is displayed.

If you want to display the full date and time for the whole list, you can do that in Menu > Tools > Settings > Mail > Read > Message List.


Now wasn’t that easy. Read and answer directly. Why the merry go round?

Awright geeezzaa! Sometimes i’ just requires a simple quesshun in English. Sorted mate.

Gary, in the configuration of the columns, `like Outlook, is it possible to include the bin icon next to the message to delete it faster?

Unfortunately that is not possible.

It is very wide, like “5/21/2019 4:55:54 PM”. Why cannot we change it to “20190521 16:56”? Most other programs can change the date/time format. Why cannot eM Client?

the date is very large in the group list…
your suggestion is  good but I’d rather si a smaller date with the time…

You can change the size of the fonts used in the list. Go to Menu > Tools > Settings > Appearance > Lists.

But I think you mean the date format, not the size. Unfortunately I don’t think you can change the date and time format in that view.

Ticking “show full date” and playing with font makes the problem a bit more bearable.
I’m using conversation view.

  1. When “show full date” is unticked, I see date as “10:15”, which is very good, or as “November 19”, which takes up too much space. 
    I’d like to see Nov 19, or even better just 11/19 or 19/11.

  2. When “show full date” is ticked, I see “11/19/19 10:15”. (I prefer short date). However, when viewing full date, I’d prefer to see
    19/11/19 10:15" I’m just more used to that format. Is it possible to set the full date format?