Downloading/viewing attachments in EM client is excruciatingly slow compared to any other email client I’ve ever used. Attached images are often not even shown in the client and the top right drop down menu must be used to slowly download them to a folder for viewing.
When you first add an eg: IMAP, Exchange, iCloud type account, eM Client can take a little time before all the mail is cached locally in the client depending on the size of your cloud mailbox. However once all the email headers are read and cached locally, existing mail should read within a few seconds.
Obviously new mail will allways take slightly longer to read the first time you click them as you are reading it remotely and its not cached locally yet. You can however speed up the process if you prefer by setting eM Client to download messages for offline use.
To download messages for offline use using eg: eM Client for Windows & an IMAP acct, click “Menu / Accounts” and then “click on your email account on the left” and finally “click the IMAP Tab” along the top" and then you will the “Sync Options” check box at the bottom to d/l messages for offline use etc.
See Example IMAP Gmail account in eM Client below to enable downloading messages offline.
Attached images are often not even shown in the client and the top right drop down menu must be used to slowly download them to a folder for viewing.
Can you do an example screenshot in this thread of where the attached image is not shown in eM Client and “what you click on in eM Client” to download it to a folder as you mentioned.
Calendar notifications randomly start appearing for events from long in the past. This is ridiculous and completely useless. I assume it’s because I use multiple machines, and so if I haven’t accepted or dismissed an old event in EM client, it decides to show them.
Yes if you run multiple computers with eM Client, you will normally see notifications on each client which you will need to dismiss. From memory though i think if you “wait a little time”, the notifications do dissapear once eM Client has synched with the cloud mailbox when i tested multiple same acct logins.
You can however also disable Calendar notifications completely if you choose. See thread below.