Error message ‘The certificate “” is not trusted.’

When I ‘refresh’ my emails, etc., I get the error message mentioned in the subject.

Even worse, the eM client ‘freezes’ (crashes) and has to be ‘immediately terminated’ via the ‘Activity Monitor’ app (MacOS).

This has happened several times already.

What can I do to avoid the eM client crashing?

The EM client not only freezes when the certificate is from or for ‘’, it also crashes repeatedly.

In both cases, a database repair, including several thousand files, is carried out each time the client is restarted.

I am concerned that it is only a matter of time before I experience data loss.

In this version (10.1), the EM client is no longer portable.

Is there any advice on how to permanently resolve the issue?

The next crash of the eM-Client just happend…