emclient is not downloading email from bt

Thanks Gary, will see if I can have a word with BT. I’ll experiment with the AV software too, and let you know how I get on.

After several days of emClient working well with BT Yahoo now its back to the same error.  
Is there a way to run emClient with BT Yahoo but without the special coding in emClient. I have no trouble with imap on my phone or using Thunderbird on my computer.

This is what is puzzling me. If it *really* is just a server issue at BT, then it should hit everything, or at least more than just emClient. It looks to me that there may also be an issue with emClient, or at least the way it interacts with the BT Yahoo servers.

BTW, what is the ‘special coding’ that you mention in emClient?

Neil, of course the Yahoo! outage across the UK has nothing to do with these problems. It must be eM Client. 

Fair enough Gary, but my friend can access her emails no problem using the BT email web interface. She only gets problems when using emClient. Others here say they can access them using iPhones and Thunderbird. Unfortunately any support I give her has to be done remotely, but when I next do a session I’ll set her up with Thunderbird, or (shudder) Windows Mail. I will report back with my findings here :slight_smile:

I’m not blaming em Client entirely, but it does seem odd that (so far) it is the only one that seems to be having problems.

I agree. I can right now successfully get email for BT Yahoo using my phone and using Thunderbird. No problems at all. But emClient has the familiar clientbug message.

What happens when you disable your anti-virus application? 

It makes no difference whether the antivirus or firewall are on or off. Simultaneously from the same computer I have Thunderbird working and emClient not working.

The error message seems clear: Additional arguments found after last expected argument. It seems that emClient, perhaps due to its special coding, is sending a special message to the mail server. Recently and not always, this is being rejected by the server. But I’ve been running emClient for years without issues. And I assume that my phone and Thunderbird are just sending standard imap messages.

I have version 6 on a backup pc and it works fine with BT no problem
Why not try v6 or an early version of 7 I bet you have no problems
I think the problem is in recent versions of 7
Anyway emclient are not going to put any urgency on users that have a free license and how do they know of this problem its a forum who tells them?
I also find that it does not always sync Hotmail and if I have deleted trash on my iphone it does not always clear in emclient as it used to
Its funny though if i get a BT problem in emclient it always works the next day I assume BT run an end of day routine and this unblocks my account connection

What is this “special coding” you refer to Neil?

Are you using Yahoo! or BT. Check in Menu > Tools > Accounts and see if the IMAP server is BTINternet.com or Yahoo.com.

Its btinternet which is run by Yahoo. But the connections state btinternet. I’m referring to the preconfigured coding mentioned earlier in these messages.

That is not “special coding” it is just the account settings used during setup. Servers usually provide information to email clients on how to setup their account when they query them during the account setup process. But some servers provide the incorrect information, or the client is not able to interpret or use what the server suggests. eM Client has an override for these problem servers. In this case the override is telling eM Client to use mail.btinternet.com with IMAP port 993 when setting up the account. That is all. You can change that in your account settings if you prefer to use something else, but these are the settings that work best with that server.

My suggestion to you Neil, and my last comment on this thread, is to contact your email provider as I understand that those eM Client Pro License users who did contact them, have their issue resolved. From what eM Client Support was able to determine from the IMAP logs, the server is reporting that it supports something that it actually does not. It says it supports CONDSTORE and then when SELECT is used, it fails. I guess that is why the server is sending you the CLIENTBUG SELECT error. Maybe someone with more technical knowledge can comment on that.

Thanks for all your efforts to try to help us with the software. I think your second paragraph makes a lot of sense. Perhaps emClient should publish the setting that they have identified so we can all apply it.

I think it best to bin emclent and use an alternative
you never get one of their team to answer anything on forum although they monitor it
Why waste money and buyng a proper license

You can get answer from the company if you have Pro license. There is dedicated support available when you buy a license.

I have been getting the same problem for the last 24 hours.  I will wait longer to see if it goes away then contact BT.

I have an email in my BT account inbox that I read on my iphone. As i needed to download some documents I loaded emclient to get the link for the documents but it did not down load. So i did diagnostics and all was ok. However I left emclient up in the background and went to BT web page to do the download. Then after a while a message popped up asking me to confirm my BT password, which I did then on checking emclient the message was there. Is it something to do with emclient sending and BT accepting the password?

BT having a feild day today on downloads sticking just three dots in shaded area. However going on line to their web page it seems to release those stuck emails in emclient
no problem though on iphone

I too have had the same issue for the last week or two - and also with a BT Yahoo email account. Gmail is fine. I’ve tried all sorts of things to troubleshoot this and sadly got nowhere.

I’m also seeing another issue which may or may not be related where the body of emails are sometimes truncated when viewed in the client. They are fine on the server and if forwarded from the server will then usually display correctly. Again I’ve not been able to troubleshoot the issue.

I don’t see any problems with another email client.

I was about to buy a license as I could do with adding more accounts to the client but I think I’ll most likely just move to another client…

This is not a recent problem its happened in the past and went away. emclient asked me to set up a bt alias which they could use to test and they sorted it out. Looks like they have it back again in the latest version 7. As i said earlier it works fine in version 6 and earlier versions of 7. It only came back after the latest update. Lesons to be learned dont install updates straight away wait until a few months for the bugs to be sorted out.