Emails very slow to load when replying

I have the same problem, Was there ever a fix for this issue?

This still needs to be resolved post haste. I don’t have 30 seconds to sit and wait to create a reply.

eM Client…please don’t keep doing us like this. These are basic email rights and dial-up modems are faster.


eM Client’s backend is totally messed up with managing a local database files. This is probably also related to very long startups times. I have 2 computers running eM - one uses only IMAP cloud folders and another one stores the whole local mail archive (less than 1GB). First instance works great. On the second computer eM client needs almost a minute to load. I had no similar issues with Thunerbird od TheBat! even with 10x larger database files.
Unfortunately I discovered that after buying a license.

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I also love how not only are these basic features (that all other email apps have) lacking, but the requests for them have remained unanswered for years.


eM Client…please don’t keep doing us like this. These are basic email rights and dial-up modems are faster

Any speed issues are nothing to do with eM Client and is either related to your internet connection or some local program installed on your computer interfering with eM Client causing it to be slow when reading, replying or forwarding or as @Gary says can also happen when eg: Dynamic content is loading in the body of the email.

I also love how not only are these basic features (that all other email apps have) lacking, but the requests for them have remained unanswered for years.

What basic features are you referring to that all other mail clients have ?

Do you work for eM Client?


Do you work for eM Client?

No just a user on this forum. I have done around 25+ years though as a Level 3 internet technician at many major internet companies and know these type of issues can happen with any mail client.

Can you specify what features are missing?

Be aware that if you have a Free license activated, then there are some feature available to Pro license users that will be disabled. You can see a table of what features are available to the different licenses in the purchase page.

Lack of some features is not a problem for me - I knew what I was paying for. The problem is that some features don’t work as they should.
I purchased eM client mostly because of it’s offline database management capabilities. I realised that this features are so poorly implemented after I paid and migrated all my emails to eM.

What are the issues or problems you find with eM Client’s offline database management? Can you elaborate on that.

I mentioned about that recently in this thread:

In my opinion local database managment in eM is totally basic and not appropriate for this kind of application. It’s extremely slow and not optimised for performance at all. These problems were solved with most of e-mail applications somewhere in the late 90’s - eM client is still not there. With small database files these problems are invisible, but as the database grows larger, performance becomes a real issue. Problem does not exist with IMAP as there the database is managed by server.

All operations on local databases or with POP3 accounts become unusable at some point. Opening an attachement, moving messages between folders, even replying to emails etc. My eM-Client, with less than 1GB database and approx 20k archived emails now needs almost minute to open, moving a message between local foders sometime freezez app for 20 seconds. And we’re not talking about some 10-year old budget laptop but a modern powerfull workstation PC used for serious work. Looks like eM-Client needs to re-index the whole database on every startup with some poorly optimised algorithm.

I have another license without local database (only IMAP accounts) on my second PC and it works perfectly fine.


Well said. I just want to be able to respond to emails without waiting 20 seconds before it lets me type anything every single time. I have a full license and trust me when I say it ain’t my machines. And if the lords of eM Client still think it’s something about my machines in any sense, can you provide any potential diagnoses and prognoses? Kind of like when you troubleshoot issues with any apps and the app company gives you a list of misc potential specific causes and ways to fix it based on common threads from users with same issue. Not always a cure of course, but at least maybe. Give us something…

Also, I can’t change the order of tasks!?

That is all. Great feature otherwise.

This is typical user gaslighting. Instead of improving software performance they just tell users to buy faster computers and bury the problem for a while.
Simple email client needs 4x more time to initialize than a professional CAD enviroment - perfectly normal. Maybe your SSD is too slow or your computer was taken over by evil hackers :laughing:



In my opinion local database managment in eM is totally basic and not appropriate for this kind of application. It’s extremely slow and not optimised for performance at all

I find it hard to believe that eM Client Devs would have chosen the wrong database for eM Client and I’m sure would have done alot of testing in development with all the various accounts.

All operations on local databases or with POP3 accounts become unusable at some point. Opening an attachment, moving messages between folders, even replying to emails etc. My eM-Client, with less than 1GB database and approx 20k archived emails now needs almost minute to open, moving a message between local folders sometime freezez app for 20 seconds

I would be interested to know then if there is many other eM Client users with POP accounts or using Local folders who experience this same database slow delay moving emails or slow opening attachment problem or app freezing and what version of eM Client they are using.

If you have a quick computer with enough ram and fast SSD drive, moving emails and opening attachments etc should be real quick once the email is initially read and cached locally.

The only thing I can suggest (if you haven’t already) is to close eM Client and then “rename your current eM Client hidden database folder” and then open eM Client and setup your same POP account to test with a clean database incase your current mail database is possibly corrupted.

Note: Before renaming the database folder, backup eM Client via “Menu / Backup” You can see when the backup is completed via “Menu / Operations”.

I personally cannot replicate those problems you are having in the latest V9.x for Windows or Mac.


I just want to be able to respond to emails without waiting 20 seconds before it lets me type anything every single time.

If it’s not Internet connection speed related or any optional local program installed interfering with eM Client, or any Dynamic content loading as mentioned previously above, and you are using the latest version of eM Client, then it might also be possibly a local mail database issue and you might need to also setup a new clean database to test as suggested to @Naureka above as well.

The problem is exactly the same with Mailbird which is why I am trying this out. It appears to be an IMAP issue on google something to do with adjusting the limits but my technical capabilities are limited!!

Looks like there is something wrong there, since there are a lot of people reporting serious performance issues. I can’t believe that all of them use some 15-year old computers bloated with spyware. Almost every other e-mail client implements something called database compacting or optimisation that is performed once in a while. eM client does not do that, so my guess is that optimisation and integrity check it’s being performed on every startup, or they used some odd database management methods.

From my experience it looks like that performance drops proportionally to the amount of e-mails in local database. With clean installation everything was working fast and smooth. As I started to import my email archive from *.eml files the performance started to drop substantialy. Now with approx 8000 emails (mostly without any attachements) the client needs almost a minute to load.

This is easy to replicate for software testers. I’m sure that developers are fully aware of that issue but they simply don’t care.


I don’t know why any of us trying to resolve these issues are still engaging with these super user bots. They had their chance and can keep chattering away, but I’m demanding actual eM Client tech support moving forward.

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I’m demanding actual eM Client tech support moving forward.

If you have a Pro paid active license you have eM Client Pro VIP support via link on the following page Support | Remote Assistance | License Manager | eM Client