eM Client was not closed correctly

Yes, this was a common solution back in version 7 when more users had this problem.

If the application detects it was not previously shut down properly, it will check the data for any inconsistencies. So that safety net is there and everything should be fine as long as the user does not cancel the database check.

I have the same issue. Windows 10 Pro, Windows Defender, 2 SSDs, 32GB RAM.

When Windows updates, or when I restart my computer. emClient goes through the process of checking databases. This has been going on for some time.

On two occasions, I wound up uninstalling and reinstalling emClient.

My experience is that I have to exit eM from the quick start menu, not just close as this merely minimizes to the task bar. I then have to wait approximately 2 minutes to allow eM do its thing with its data base before switching off my pc. This allows the programme start without delay on reboot. Noe I admit to often forgetting to exit and have to suffer a tiny delay, of perhaps 60 to 90 seconds while eM helps me by checking the data base for errors. My security suite and vpn cause longer start up delays. I find some of the complaints about eM rather strange and wonder have some simply gotten comfortable with their previous e mail client. I had used Thunderbird for many years and loved it. Unfortunately such as sky mail, yahoo and gmail began denying it access for, according to them, security reasons. I found the switch to eM daunting as I had become comfortable with Thunderbird.


I also experience the same problem of a database check whenever I restart my computer. Version 8.2.1473 on Win10. Sigh…

I’m using Windows Security… current version. And this database corruption happens EVERY time I reboot or start cold.

It seems eM have known about this and been working on it since at least 2017.

Not impressed!

You have had my money in return for which working software is a reasonable expectation.

Please show more signs of progress that have been visible to date.

(Win 10 21H1 and Kaspersky Internet Security)

The issue could be with your OS forcibly closing eM Client on shutdown.

As a test, close eM Client. To confirm it is closed, check in the Task Manager, including background processes. This is a control, so you can see if you have closed it, rather than your OS.

Restart Windows.

Do you get a database check?

Interestingly I’ve found since using eM Client V8.2.1509 on Windows V21H1 with the latest patches, I can now “Minimize to tray” or "Close to Tray and “Shutdown Normally” and (no longer) get any checking data errors on startup. Tested on two stock Windows 10 pcs and no issues.

I have gotten this error every single time for years. Whether or not I shut down the computer makes no difference. If I only close eM Client and leave everything else running, I still get the error.


I have gotten this error every single time for years. Whether or not I shut down the computer makes no difference. If I only close eM Client and leave everything else running, I still get the error.

If you are closing eM Client and “waiting a few seconds” before reopening the program and still getting checking for errors on startup, then that would suggest your mail database is still corrupted somewhere and has not been 100% repaired so just keeps popping up to check for errors all the time.

So would next suggest if you have an eg: IMAP, Exchange, Office 365 or iCloud (Non POP) type account, to remove your account in eM Client and re-add as new via either the automatic email wizard or manual option depending on your specific server requirements. That normally will fix that.

If you have a POP account, then create a folder called eg: Old Mail down in “Local Folders” at the bottom left of eM Client, and then drag / move all your POP messages and folders under Old Mail. Once you are certain they are all there, remove your account and re-add as new. Then drag / move all your old mail and folders back up to your new POP account.

Note:- Before removing your account, backup eM Client via "Menu / Backup. You can see when the backup is complete via “Menu / Operations”.

If that still doesn’t fix it, close eM Client and uninstall the program and “Don’t delete the database” when asked on uninstall. Then re-download eM Client from the Release History Page and reinstall.

Next if that still doesn’t fix it make sure you are using the latest V8.x or 9.x from the Release History Page link above depending on what your license provides. Could be you have an older version of eM Client that needs updating.

Also do all your OS Security patches and updates. If you have Windows 10/11 (22H2) is the latest update. If you have Mac suggest you have updated to “Monterey OS”. Both work fine for me.

Lastly if still a problem, then you have “some other program installed locally on your computer” on startup which is interfering with eM Client in some way. So you would next need to next to troubleshoot your computer by eg: Disabling all background non os tasks and reboot so you have a normal os startup. Then try eM Client again. That should normally fix it. You then enable those background / startup programs one at a time and reboot in between till you find what program is interfering.