For several days, I no longer receive my emails on my protonmail address in EM Client.
Everything was working fine so far and I haven’t changed anything in the settings.
Proton Bridge shows “connected” but in EM Client IMAP is Ok but SMTP shows “Failed”.
Protonmail works fine via browser.
Could you help me solve this problem, please?
See the following thread that might help you if its related to a Protonmail SMTP problem which can be caused by a port number related.
Thank’s but it doesn’t help. I previously folowwed this thread and everything was doing fine until few days ago…
Thank’s but it doesn’t help. I previously followed this thread and everything was doing fine until few days ago
Are you getting the same error in the eM Client log ? Or a different error ?
If it’s the same error as in the thread log and you have the same port settings etc as you advised, then suggest you contact Protonmail Technical support Incase they currently have an issues with their mail servers. Might be an outage.
If it’s a different error in your log, update this thread with whatever obvious errors you are getting. Go to “Menu / Operations / Log” tab.
Hi Cyberzork!
I finnaly solved it : i just uninstal/reinstal the Proton Bridge application !
Great uninstalling and reinstalling the Proton Bridge application fixed the problem
Btw - This is the Protonmail Bridge / Mail setup, by @Gary below Incase you need it re-setup in the future.