Deleting message from thread deletes saved messages

Maybe this qualifies as just the way it is, and not an ‘issue’ per se. But it surprised me (and Postbox did not behave this way).

Suppose I send an email to someone. They respond. And then we go back and forth a time or two, creating a thread.

Then, I save the entire thread in one of my IMAP folders (as I am wont to do).

A day or so later, the person involved in the thread sends me a quick followup. I read it, and then delete it. And that deletes the whole thread that was saved in the IMAP folder.

It feels to me as though deleting a message from my Inbox should not delete messages saved in an IMAP folder, even if the deleted message is part of the same thread. I lost quite a few saved e-mails before I realized this was happening, as it was unexpected.


A day or so later, the person involved in the thread sends me a quick followup. I read it, and then delete it. And that deletes the whole thread that was saved in the IMAP folder.

To delete a message in a conversation without deleting the entire conversation, you first “expand the conversation” and then “delete the specific message” at the far right of the message. See @Gary post extract below from the following thread.

“To delete only some messages in a conversation, expand the conversation thread, then select the message and delete it by clicking on the delete icon, toolbar button or keyboard Del key”

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I did think of that. Nice to know there’s a way around it.

I agree with Gary from the other thread: I wouldn’t choose this as the default behavior, if it were up to me, as I don’t think it’s intuitive. I don’t expect messages to be deleted from other folders when I delete from the Inbox, threaded or not. None of the other email client apps I have used in the past worked that way, that I can recall.

It would be nice if eMClient could be configured otherwise. But now that I know, at least I can avoid the problem.

