Custom eM Client Themes

The new Theme Editor in the upcoming version 8.1 will make this really easy, both identifying what you are changing and choosing a color. The real-time preview is excellent.

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what is the correct item to change the color of the Account Name / Emailadress on the left side?

    <FirstLevelForeground description="Text color for the first-level text in a tree structure">#8B8B8B</FirstLevelForeground>

dont work :frowning: can this not be changed?

ah ok…i found it:

theres to…and the second on <MainFormTreeViewColors> must be changed.!

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Yes, I missed the second line, sorry. :blush:

Here’s mine. Let me know if you guys want it. I call it Aluminum Matrix :smile:

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You can upload your theme to the user gallery.

See Themes (

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Does anyone have a theme that is similar to the MS Office 2019 Dark Grey?

Hi Ncruze, I like your Aluminium Matrix Theme. :+1:

Can I get it?

Yes, @Ncruze, that is a very nice theme. Maybe upload it to Themes (

@Gary I sent it to them [email protected], they said they were going to put it up on the site but never did. :man_shrugging:t5:

Sure thing @Jo-HH

The file type isn’t authorized for upload here. Email me and I’ll send it to you.

Fine :slightly_smiling_face:
It will be nice if you sent it to:


Hi all - I’m trying to create my own theme, but am having trouble controlling the colors of a couple of items. Can anyone advise me if I can control the colors as identified in the attached screenshots?



  1. The image used for Local Folder
  2. The text for ‘Mail’ and ‘Phone Number’ in the Contact Details sidebar

Appreciate any assistance!

Norton like theme.

Cyberpunk theme.

jueves 28 julio 2022 :: 0809hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hey @drzsk

There is a specific place in eMC where User created Themes can be submitted
and checked before being made available for download;

where there is a link to submit themes

Personally I would never download something from the Cloud unless I was
100% certain of the source, particularly from a free service.

¡Buena suerte!

¡Saludos desde Valencia la soleada en España!


[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Xnapper-emclient theme

Hi, does anyone know which setting to change to remove the red/orange line at the top/bottom of the selected item - “All Inboxes” ?

martes 20 diciembre 2022 :: 1030hrs (UTC 0000)

Hey @Mike_Pugh

Unless you really know what you are doing do NOT edit the XML file, use the Theme Editor in eMC: Menu ->Tools ->Theme Editor →
Treeview->Selecteditemborder ->Select the box to right & click →
I am set to Transparent or you can use your background color ->Save or Save As
Close and restart eMC

BEFORE you start make a Backup in case you mess it up: Menu ->Backup

¡Buena suerte!

¡Saludos desde Banjul la soleada en Gambia!


[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

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Thanks for the response. I don’t think that is the correct one. If you look at the original screenshot the border is red/orange but no sign of any colour like that!