Connecting to email (SMTP) failed.

The same as above, port 587 . . . 

I’ve had port 587 and Force Usage of SSL/TLS set for as long as I can remember (other than a week or so ago when I tried various things to solve this issue)

What changed a week back that started the problem?

That’s the question!!! I can’t point to anything that appears to have any effect on internet/SMTP. I have 2 other computers and lots of other internet connected devices, all of those are normal.

Its not helping. I am getting the same error.

Can you post the error please.

This is the error after the port is set to 587 and the security policy is set to Force usage of SSL/TLS.

This is something you need to speak with your email provider about. If they have blacklisted you, there is nothing you can change in eM Client to get past that.

If that still doesn’t help, as a Pro License user you should open a support ticket with eM Client. They will be able to advise you further.

i spoke to them, they have not blacklisted the email ID. In other computer with Microsoft outlook, the email is working fine. I a able to send the emails. But with
em client i am getting this error. J

Please open a support ticket with eM Client.

How to do that. 

After you have activated your Pro License in eM Client, clicking on Menu > Help > Get Support will take you to the website where you can login and open a support ticket.

What about uninstalling eM Client, selecting to delete the database when prompted, and downloading and installing the latest from the Release History?

Since the only failure is the inability to send email, I’m using my web browser to send emails; other functions eM Client works. At years end, I’ll revert to using the web browser again. I’ll continue eM Client because I have loads of folders where I organized my saved emails. On January 1st 2020 I’ll begin creating folders in Gmail. I use eM Client to avert trusting the cloud to save my stuff; Next year I’ll periodically import Gmail and its folders into eM Clien for offline (local) backup.