I’m having the same issue too, which also seemed to start happening about 2 months back. Can also confirm this seems to be happening on large emails only.
Have just updated my SMTP account settings with the temp fix proposed by Deborah.
I have the same issue. POP3 works fine, SMTP doesn’t work. I’ve tried differents ports, disabled security, doublechecked manual of my hostprovider. No way ((( On my Android phone and in MS Outlook, SMTP with the same settings works ok.
Sines 5 days I have the same issue. POP3 works fine, SMTP doesn’t work. I’ve tried differents ports, disabled security, doublechecked manual of my hostprovider. No way.
I have the same problem sind 2 weeks. Is there any solution?
I also found problems with EMClient V6.x & 7.x using SMTP SSL Connections with my local ISP for years. No SMTP SSL Server setting or port would work. The ISP tech support couldn’t help me.
So I eventually after much frustration had to use (Non SSL SMTP) and Standard Port 25 for Sending mail in EMCLient. Sure its not secure for sending mail, but at least it worked. I suspected that it might be something to do with Timeout Delays using SSL or there might be differant types of SSL where eg: The ISP Server SSL version might not be compatiable with EMCLient’s version so fails ?.
These days i just forward all my POP mail to Gmail and configure EMClient for Gmail so don’t have a problem any longer. Hopefully a new update if EMClient down the track might fix this problem.
thanks cyberzok, i tried it but still do not work. I also installed thunderstorm and another email programm. I also can not send out emails with these programs. How is this possible? or better to say is it a problem of “outlook.com” if I can not use other Email programs?
Thanks for your help.
guys I found the solution. The imap server adress is
smtp.office365.com whichI got from microsoft. But this adress is not listed in telekom router which you have add manually. Finally it worked. Thanks guys
My problem started 1/4/19 and absolutely NO setting will connect to my Bluehost SMPT account. I have tried every single option with no success, but it worked the day before. I LOVE eM but I need consistency. ALSO the sign up info said you get 2 accounts with the FREE version, but that is not true, you only get one. With Office 365 only costing about twice as much, it is hard to justify the cost.
Generally, when the SMTP stops working it is because of your AV software. Try disabling the software and see if you can then send. If yes, you will need to configure the AV software to add an exception for mailclient.exe. I have seen this happen when AV software updates.
eM Client does allow 2 accounts for the free version.
I don’t use AV per se, just Windows Defender Security… would that count? In Help. mine says- Number of Users: 1
Windows defender would be an AV program, but I have not heard of it being a problem. Generally, settings for SMTP are:
Port 587
Security Policy: Forces usage of SSl/TLS
the 1 user relates to the number of machines licensed, not the email addresses used. Go ahead and add a second email address.
Thanks man:)
I also am receiving the SMTP error:
SEND EMAIL fails with SMTP error. This error started perhaps a week ago; I had no problems prior to that time.
eM Client version: 7.2.3542.0
[email protected]Connecting to [email protected]failed
[SMTP] An attempt to connect to [email protected] failed. This could be caused by temporary server unavailability or incorrect settings. Do you ant to check the settings?
Settings: (SMTP tab):
Host: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 587
Security Policy: Force usage of SSL/TLS
9:32:30 PM Online state: changed to online due to NetworkAvailability
9:32:30 PM [email protected] [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder [email protected]/
9:32:30 PM [email protected] [SMTP] Connecting: To [email protected]
9:32:30 PM [email protected] [Google Contacts] Synchronizing folder list
9:32:30 PM [email protected] [Google Calendar] Synchronizing folder list
9:32:31 PM [email protected] [Google Contacts] Synchronizing folder list
9:32:31 PM [email protected] [Google Contacts] Synchronizing folder ‘[email protected]/Contacts/’
9:32:31 PM [email protected] [Google Calendar] Synchronizing folder list
9:32:31 PM [email protected] [Google Calendar] Synchronizing folder list
9:32:31 PM [email protected] [Google Contacts] Synchronizing folder list
9:32:31 PM [email protected] [Google Calendar] Synchronizing folder list
9:32:31 PM [email protected] [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
9:32:31 PM [email protected] [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder [email protected]/INBOX
9:32:31 PM [email protected] [Google Calendar] Synchronizing folder ‘[email protected]/[email protected]/’
9:32:32 PM [email protected] [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
9:32:32 PM [email protected] [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder [email protected]/Sent
9:32:32 PM [email protected] [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
9:32:32 PM [email protected] [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder [email protected]/[Gmail]
9:32:32 PM [email protected] [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
9:32:32 PM [email protected] [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder [email protected]/[Gmail]/All Mail
9:32:32 PM [email protected] [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
9:32:51 PM [email protected] [SMTP] MailClient.Accounts.SocketException: Connection failed due to the following reason:
9:32:51 PM “A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond”
9:32:51 PM at MailClient.Protocols.Smtp.SmtpSendCommand.Connect(WorkerStatus status)
9:32:51 PM at MailClient.Protocols.Smtp.SmtpSendCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
9:32:51 PM at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
I tried changing Port to 465 and have same error; changed back to 587.
I tried stopping firewall protection in Windows Defender; still failed.
Please advise.
Jack Levy
Any proxy running Jack?
Do you maybe have any other security software running? Windows Defender won’t cause this, but this is quite typical of other anti-virus applications.
I am having the same problem.
Em client version 7.2.35595.0
Windows 10
Does anyone has a solution to this
Who is your email provider Saurabh?
hostgator is the webhoster.
my email ID is [email protected]
I use xfinity (Comcast)
Go to Menu > Tools > Accounts and click on the SMTP tab.
Make sure the port is set to 587 and the security policy is set to Force usage of SSL/TLS. See if that helps.