Check for updates still not working (yet again)

I already have a support ticket in and received no resolution so once again I need to raise the issue of trying to fix the URL that EMC uses to determine if there is an update or not. I was running 8.1.979 and just by chance this morning I went in and checked and again…I was 3 releases behind. I am not on 8.1.1060 but someone really needs to check this out and come up with a fix.

Seems like this should be a simple fix since you can change the URL in EMC to whatever you want to point it to.

All interim latest version updates are not always automatically pushed out (even when you press check for update) manually incase there is any problems that may arise for a specific group of users as per comments from eM Client. I think this is wise to do that. Please see two comments end of the below thread from @Michal_Burger (eM Client Support).

Automatic Updates? - eM Client

eM Client advised the recent versions of eM Client (did fix) any issues with the manual check for update as i have had a message come up in the last week or so to update which worked, but that doesn’t mean all interim versions will be pushed when manually checking.

To manually check anytime for the latest eM client interium updates, go to the version history page and download it manually which is what i do when i’m testing.

Still not acceptable. I have NEVER had an auto update and I have been using EMC for almost 5 years now. I will need to check on my open support ticket and perhaps update there again as well. At a minimum, users should have the option to set up their updates to either minor and major release, or just major releases. This way the end user has control of it. No reason for me to have to always check the website and see that I am 3 releases (regardless if its a point release or not) behind. Fortunately reading the forums is more valuable then waiting on a release to automatically download.

Pro License users can specify the types of update they get in their License Manager

Otherwise, as @cyberzork says, updates are not pushed to all users at the same time. The three updates that were released last week may not get to most users for some time.

Or put a page change detection on the release history. Most free services will notify you within a day if the page content has changed.