I cannot receive email from outlook but can send it. Using “SSL/TLS on special port (legacy)” which was suggested on another thread. There’s a red triangle by my account name but no explanation why when I click on it. Working fine yesterday. Using latest version of Mac and eMClient.
I cannot receive email from outlook but can send it.
What’s your Outlook Incoming mail Server address, Port and Security Policy ?
Also who hosts your mail ? Is it Microsoft direct via eg: Outlook.com, or another Outlook host.
Also did you initially setup your Outlook account via the automatic account wizard or manually setup the account ?
Are you getting any error messages ? If you don’t see any errors, click the dropdown on the right of Refresh and click “Show Operations” then click the “Log tab” and look for any obvious error messages and paste them in this thread. Blank out anything personal.
Also what version of eM Client are you using ?
There’s an outgoing email that doesn’t show in outbox but appears sometimes with this error message. Don’t see option to delete that email.
[IMAP] X-Account-Key: BAD Command Error. 10
Here’s the first part of the log which also shows EM Client version. I had lots of problems setting up account initially. Tried automatic at first but then manually. Email through outlook.com
port 993
Use SSL/ TLS on special port (legacy)
eM Client 10.1.4828+9843340102 (MAC)
3:24:58 AM Online state: changed to online due to NetworkAvailability
3:24:58 AM AirSync Synchronizing folder list
3:24:58 AM IMAP Uploading item(s) to folder ‘/reservations’
3:24:59 AM AirSync Synchronizing folder ‘/Calendar’
3:25:00 AM AirSync Synchronizing folder ‘/Contacts’
3:25:00 AM [IMAP] MailClient.Storage.Application.ItemOperationException: X-Account-Key: BAD Command Error. 10
AccountId =
AccountName =
Item.Type = MailClient.Storage.Application.Mail.MailItem
UniqueItemId =
GUIStatus_Exception_Reported = True
3:25:00 AM AirSync Synchronizing folder ‘/Tasks’
3:25:02 AM [IMAP] MailClient.Accounts.ConnectionException: Uploading item(s) to folder ’ /reservations’ failed due to the following error: Connection was closed
—> MailClient.Imap.Base.ByeException: Connection was closed
—> System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: TaskCanceledException_ctor_DefaultMessage
at MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.RunCommandAsync(Command command, Func3 notificationCallback) Exception_EndOfInnerExceptionStack at MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.RunCommandAsync(Command command, Func
3 notificationCallback)
at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.<>c__DisplayClass102_0.<g__DoAppendAsync|1>d.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.AppendAsync(IItemUploadContext1 uploadContext, FolderInfo info, UploadItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.AppendAsync(IItemUploadContext
1 uploadContext, FolderInfo info, UploadItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.UploadAsync(IItemUploadContext1 uploadContext, Folder folder, IEnumerable
1 items, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.Upload(IItemUploadContext1 uploadContext, Folder folder, IEnumerable
1 items, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MailClient.Protocols.Common.ItemSynchronizer`2.<>c__DisplayClass34_0.b__0(WorkerStatus status, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapActionCommand.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<.ctor>b__0(WorkerStatus ws, CancellationToken ct)
at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapActionCommand.ExecuteInternalSync(WorkerStatus status)
at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapActionCommand.ExecuteInternalSync(WorkerStatus status)
at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapActionCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
What happened when you tried using the automatic wizard setup ? How far did you get up to ?
The installation indicated it was complete but couldn’t receive emails. I wrote question in this forum and advised to change to imap. I’ve been able to receive email since that time. Haven’t been able to get several folders to import from Posbox so it’s never been a satisfactory setup.
port 993
Use SSL/ TLS on special port (legacy)
Ok your incoming mail settings appear correct for the automatic account setup.
Yes from your previous post you had a Outlook Office 365 POP setup which then needed to change to IMAP due to Microsoft legacy changes and was eventually sending and receiving ok after you uninstalled and reinstalled eM Client and started new again.
However as it’s now no longer receiving and you are getting all those errors in your new post above when receiving, could be something possibly interferring with eM Client. Do you have any optionally installed eg: Firewall / Security program, or optionally installed antivirus program or VPN other than what comes default with the OS?. If you do, then try completely disabling those to test incase of interference.
Now if you don’t have any optionally installed programs like that or disabling those made no difference, then I would try closing eM Client and going online to your Microsoft account and “remove the eM Client third party apps OAuth2 token” and then reopen eM Client which should then prompt you to re-allow eM Client access to your Microsoft Outlook account. Then see if it receives mail again.
Failing that “try changing your Incoming mail server address” to
outlook.office365.com instead of the default imap-mail.outlook.com as in your original post server address and see if that receives.
port 993
Use SSL/ TLS on special port (legacy)
Haven’t been able to get several folders to import from Posbox so it’s never been a satisfactory setup.
Did you try doing the following to manually import your missing Postbox folders as I suggested to try in your original post ?
I disconnected virus protection etc and still can’t receive email. Opened Microsoft account and see option to remove eM Client as an app that accesses the account but it doesn’t mention the token. Is that what you’re referring to? Can’t find specific mention of the token.
Also tried changing the incoming server address but that didn’t work.
I did try the manual import the folders but couldn’t reach / select the proper location of where the mailboxes go when the pop up box appeared. Will try again later on that if I can access email.
Also tried changing the incoming server address but that didn’t work.
Ok so neither Microsoft server address works which is strange as both work when I tested them with the same Port & Security policy. So change back to the default server address imap-mail.outlook.com . Could be the token issue.
Opened Microsoft account and see option to remove eM Client as an app that accesses the account but it doesn’t mention the token. Is that what you’re referring to? Can’t find specific mention of the token.
The eM Client App OAuth 2 token Microsoft Account Third Party App access is usually in the “Account Privacy App section” as per my own Outlook 365 basic account example below. So if you have that, remove it and then close and reopen eM Client & see if you get the popup to allow eM Client access to your Microsoft acct.
I removed eM Client and did get the pop up to allow authorization to Microsoft account. Can see where eM Client is showing again on the allowable apps. Still can’t receive email.
I removed eM Client and did get the pop up to allow authorization to Microsoft account. Can see where eM Client is showing again on the allowable apps. Still can’t receive email.
Then either there is a problem with your eM Client installation or a problem with your account in eM Client, or you may have some problem with your Windows or Mac user Profile.
So id suggest to next “test with a brand new eM Client database” and also “uninstall and reinstall eM Client” so its completely new.
To do that “close eM Client” and then go to the following Windows or Mac hidden mail database folder and “rename it to eg: eM Client-Old”.
“Hidden mail database folder Windows”
“Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client”
“Hidden mail database folder Mac”
“Users\yourusername\Library\Application Support\eM Client”
Then uninstall eM Client and then once uninstalled, download the latest version for Windows or Mac from the release history page and reinstall. Then reopen & setup as new using the “automatic account wizard” and see if it then receives.
Lastly if it still won’t receive and you are getting the same receiving type errors, then you might need to next try “creating a brand new user admin profile” as could be then a possible corrupted profile.
Apart from that if still getting the same receiving errors, if you have a current active paid Pro or Personal / Business account, then you can go to the VIP Support page and login at the top left and lodge a support ticket.
I reinstalled and now receive emails. I see two separate accounts. One is my name. The other is my email. The email account only shows air sync service. The account using my name show imap, smtp, airsync. An error popped up for the account with my name:
“[AirSync] Synchronization error (InvalidSynchronizationKey).” Also two emails downloaded for emails sent this morning. How to correct duplicate emails – delete one of the accounts – if so, which one?
I reinstalled and now receive emails. I see two separate accounts. One is my name. The other is my email.
Thats strange you have 2 accounts from a brand new installation only setting up one account. Did you rename the old database before opening eM Client, or did you just uninstall and reinstall ?
If you didn’t rename the old database before uninstalling and reinstalling eM Client, then i would close eM Client and rename it as per my previous post further up, and then reopen eM Client and setup as brand new via the automatic account wizard. You should then only have the one account.
Now if you did rename the old eM Client database before uninstalling and reinstalling eM Client, then could be eM Client is picking up the duplicate account “from online in your mailbox”. So check online incase there is a duplicate mailbox account there.
Normally when setting up an eg: Outlook.com account, under the “General Tab” / Services it should have the “SMTP. IMAP & AirSync” enabled as in my example Outlook account below.
[AirSync] Synchronization error (InvalidSynchronizationKey)
Sorry i don’t know what InvalidSynchronizationKey means. Others on this forum may be able to help with that. Or VIP Support if you have a current paid active account,
How to correct duplicate emails – delete one of the accounts – if so, which one?
Yes the extra account could be causing the duplicates, but if you only have the one account and are still getting duplicate mail, then there is a “De-Duplicator” option you can run via the Menu.
Uninstalled and started over. Finally had all folders, no red triangle, etc. Yesterday outlook required me to set up new password. I went through the authorization process with outlook. Now same problem as before. I can send email but not receive it and have red triangle. You suggested above to try “creating a brand new user admin profile." Don’t see the screen for admin profile – where is it?
Sorry I don’t know why that’s happening again when it worked ok after you uninstalled and reinstalled and started new. Also is strange that Outlook then required you to setup a new password which then had the same issue. Other users on this forum may be able to help.
You suggested above to try “creating a brand new user admin profile." Don’t see the screen for admin profile – where is it?.
eM Client will have a user profile creation option “in a later upcoming version not far away”, but for now to create another user profile if you want to test that, you would have to “go into your OS user accounts area” and eg: create another user admin account. Then logout and login with that user profile and test eM Client to see if that works.
To clarify, I used eM Client successfully for several days before I had to change password. So not necessarily associated with new installation. I get that password update requirement on occasion. It’s been a while since last one.
I get that password update requirement on occasion. It’s been a while since last one.
Changing a password online in a Microsoft account using IMAP or Exchange with a OAuth passwordless token, doesn’t normally cause any receiving problems again after changing the password online. So is strange that is happening.
Hopefully other users on this forum might be able to help with why that’s happening.