Cannot send email - no account?

Just downloaded emclient, setup 2 hotmail accounts. Tried sending a test email - screen shows “no account”

What is this? Utter incompetence. If the app has 2 accounts configured, and is downloading emails, how is it possible that there are no accounts to send email from?

Before you ask - yes, the imap and smtp settings are configured as required.

I fail to understand the programming logic used in saying “no account”. Is this how a first time
user experience should be?


Since I cannot attach more that 1 image in a message, here are some more


Tried sending a test email - screen shows “no account”

Sounds like “Airsync” is not selected.

Go to “Menu / Accounts” (PC) or “eM Client / Accounts” (Mac).

Then “select your account” on the left and click the “General tab” at the top.

Lastly “scroll down to Services” and “tick the AirSync option”. Then Save & Close accounts.

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Ok after digging up what airsync is about, I found this

So many questions:

  1. Why am I supposed to bother about these details as a customer?
  2. If you guys know the problem, why don’t you make it the default protocol for Hotmail/outlook accounts in the first place?
  3. The logic behind saying “no account” still doesn’t make sense. A reasonable manager would have asked his programmer to give a message saying something like “existing accounts not configured correctly. Please refer to so and so section for help”

This design simply sucks. There is no semblance of usability here.

Now I found this:

Says MS stopped supporting airsync. So I’m confused. What exactly is the problem ?

We do. If you setup an MS account, it will have AirSync enabled by default.

That post is from 2015 or 2016. It was for a different issue and has no relevance to you not having AirSync enabled.

We made an announcement about the issue with your email provider in February when the problem was discovered. This post has links to others that explain the need to use AirSync to send messages.

Well clearly not, since it’s not enabled. I didn’t change any default settings.

If you go to Menu > Accounts > Add Account, and enter the MS account email address in the automatic setup, it will have IMAP/SMTP/AirSync all enabled by default.