Calendar layout for the right panel


I don’t want the calendar view, i want the email view together with the sidebar displaying the rest of the week appointments instead of only the current day.

You appear to have two parts to your question.

One is that “you are wanting to view email in the Sidebar”, and the other is that “you are wanting to view the rest of the week appointments in the Sidebar” and not just the current day.

By week appointments "i presume you mean Calendar event appointments.

So as per @Gary advised, the weekly calendar events can be shown in the sidebar by clicking the Cog wheel on the right of the Agenda and then selecting “Show Upcoming Events / Week” or whatever weeks or months etc you want as in the example below.

(Showing Calendar Weekly Events)


As far as showing emails in the Sidebar, “you can’t display the normal whole weekly emails in the sidebar”, but you can show “Incoming and Outgoing” emails “for a specific email contact” in the Sidebar.

If you want to do that first click the “Contacts” icon at the bottom of the Sidebar.

Then as per @Gary post below example from the following thread, click on the Settings cog next to the Contact Details sidebar header, and make sure that both Show Incoming and Show Outgoing are ticked.

Finally “just click on an email” and all the emails for that contact will then appear in the sidebar as in the example below from the latest at the top to the oldest at the bottom by default. You can also if you prefer change the order of the emails in the sidebar via the cogwheel.

Apart from that, if you want to show all normal weekly emails in the sidebar “and not just from a specific contact”, then suggest to create a new post and select feature request as the category.

(Show emails in the sidebar)

