After linking to Google contacts all the address records have disappeared

Over the years I’ve added address information to my regular contacts in Gmail/Google Contacts. On linking to eM Client all the address fields are blank in both locations.
Is there anything I can do to restore the lost records?

Do the missing eM Client Google address’s “show in Google Contacts online” when you open a contact ? as in the below John Smith example.

Or do none of your Google Contact address’s show online either.

Hi, the addresses previously entered (prior to linking eM Client) have disappeared in both locations(In Google contacts online and in eM Client).

I might have the info in an exported csv somewhere but would like to understand the issue here to avoid further problems or lost data.


the addresses previously entered (prior to linking eM Client) have disappeared in both locations(In Google contacts online and in eM Client.

I would then contact Google support for assistance via posting on their Gmail community forum link below. Or via phone if you have a paid Google One or paid Workspace account.

Adding your Google / Gmail account to eM Client doesn’t remove any contact information from your online account. That only just reads / shows what you already have in your online account

(Post to the Gmail help community)

I might have the info in an exported csv somewhere.

Yes if you have previously exported your Google contacts with addresses in it to a .CSV file then you can reimport them online. See the following Google support link.

(Import your contacts into Google Contacts)

You can also import .CSV files in eM Client via @Gary post in the following thread.

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Thanks for the comprehensive guidance. I will follow up tomorrow .